December 31, 2016

Highlights of 2016

Another year has passed and it is time to look back at all that has happened this past 2016. This blog has always been more than just an avenue for me to share my thoughts and let my creative juices flow. In a way, it's also been a diary where I write about the ups and the downs of my life. The year was an eventful one, but much like last year, I still praise God for all that has happened. I want to be able to look back at 2016 in the years to come which is why I'm dedicating the last post of the year to the highlights of the year that has gone.

Without further ado, here are the highlights of my 2016:

1. My friends and I went to Enchanted Kingdom for my high school's foundation day. Never riding Anchors Away again.

Photo by Alyssa Abesamis
2. For our English exam, my class did a production of And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. I was less hands-on with this play, so I got to spend more time bonding with my classmates over props-making. That play was so refreshing for me to do and I praise God for how it turned out.

3. After our exams, some of my friends and I had lunch and worked out afterwards. We spent time having devotions as well and I was so grateful for that day. My body did ache the next day, but it was a blessing being there. 

4. Before the school year ended, my batch and I went on a retreat for a time of rest, fellowship, and crying. Read: Retreat

Photo from Mayumi Paras
5. My friends and I went vintage for the batch's yearbook photoshoot! You can say we had fun posing and pretending to be models that day.

Photo by Alyssa Abesamis
6. Come March, I graduated high school alongside my family, Batch 2016. Can't believe it's been that long since we graduated. It honestly feels like we graduated last year.

Photo from Mayumi Paras
Photo from Mayumi Paras
7. I dressed up for my batch's Graduation Ball! Needless to say, there was a lot of food (and crying).

8. My friends and I threw a surprise farewell party for a friend moving abroad to study.

Photo by Camille Arcilla
9. I finally learned how to ride a bike. Thanks to Jeremiah and John for teaching and to Gino and Camille for being patient with me. 

10. Beyoncé's album Lemonade was released out of nowhere.

11. Attended a friend's wedding. It was my first time attending a friend's wedding and this friend of mine is a close one. Attending this wedding was so special and magical and I'm just so happy for him and his wife!

12. Travelled to and explored Osaka, Japan with my family. Read: Japan 2016
13. Attended Camp LIVE, my church's youth camp. We had a banquet night and the theme was Pokémon. I was a very happy Umbreon. Aside from that, I got to spend time with church friends who I don't hang out with very often. I got to witness my friends get baptised as well and it was such a blessing. 

14. Took part in UP Manila's Summer Bridge Program. I was initially iffy about having summer classes, but I'm grateful that I went. While I was there, I learned more than just academics. Having been in a Christian school for the past four years, I was sheltered from the realities outside the four corners of our classroom, and so coming into these classes, I had to (re)learn how to engage with people very different from me and the people from my school. It was definitely a blessing in disguise because adjusting into the University was much easier than I expected when I started having actual classes.

15. In July, I saw my high school house, Green Flames, win the House Cup this year. Returning to my high school to see them compete and bond with another was such a blessing. I left so proud of my kiddos. Can't wait to see what 2017 has in store for them!

16. August came and I officially started school in UP Manila. Who knew it was gonna be one heck of a ride? 

17. There, I met a bunch of amazing people in college who made school so much more bearable and fun. Missing from this photo are Raffy and Ara. 

18. After so many years, I finally go to live my dream of becoming a Pokémon trainer with Pokémon Go. After going around and waiting at certain places to catch Pokémon while in campus or on rides home, I can definitely say that I was a Pokémon Trainer this year.

19. Last September, I saw my queens, Pentatonix, live in concert again at their Manila tour stop. Read: Pentatonix World Tour

20. In October, I attended a friend's debut for the first time. I've been to a couple of debuts before, but this was my first time attending a friend's debut. I definitely had loads of fun at the party especially since I got to spend it with my other friends as well.

21. In the same month, my block and I went on our first fieldwork in Zambales. Read: Zambales 2016

22. I attended my first Lakbayan this year! While my block and I were there, we spent time with the Lumads, listening to their stories and learning about the current situation in their homelands. I even got to see some of my high school friends studying in Diliman while I was there. The entire event was such an eye-opener that I'm grateful to have been able to participate in.

23. My uncle's son was born this year! It's the first child of my mom's brother so it was a very exciting time for the family. Can't wait to meet the baby boy!

24. I turned a year older this year! 17 is such a weird age though. Read: 17 Things About Being 17

25. This year, I finally got my own record player! I have been wanting one for such a long time now and to finally have one makes me so happy! I do need to buy some more vinyls though. The ones we have are more of my parents' time.

26. I took to the streets and rallied against the burial of a dictator at the Heroes' Cemetery. 

27. I ran around the UP Oval twice for a fun run. Never doing that again.

28.  I survived a semester in UP. *victory dance*

29. To end the semester, I went to my first Lantern Parade in UP Manila! My block alongside the other freshmen in our college participated in the parade and cheered for our lantern.

30. I'm thankful I got to meet up with some of my high school friends when the semester ended. It was so refreshing to see familiar faces after being in a completely new environment having to figure myself out while going through the stresses of college. Catching up with them showed me just how much God's been faithful in all of our lives.

31. This past year, I was blessed to have been able to meet and get to know more people in church. Hey Ate Elisa, my Creatives Team friends, Nina, Lucas, and a bunch more people - thanks for making 2016 great!

Photo by Alyssa Abesamis
32. While continuing to serve in my church's youth Creatives and Worship Teams, I was blessed enough to have been able to serve in the new Social Media Team!

33. A few weeks ago, I went on a retreat with some of the youth leaders of my church to plan for the upcoming year.

34. Throughout the year, I was blessed enough to have been able to regularly met up with one of my best friends. It's so important for us to have someone we can trust and be comfortable with with our stories and who we are. Thanks Daniel for being that friend.


Before the year ends, I just want to say  how much of a blessing you, my readers, have been to me this past year. The blog began as a passion project meant for me to escape into my thoughts and my heart is so full knowing that people love this small blog of my mine. To all my readers, I hope your 2017 is full of love, happiness, and growth. I have so much planned for next year, but I'm so excited for what God has already planned for me and this blog in 2017. Happy New Year, everyone!

Previous Post: Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies
Last Year's Highlights: Highlights of 2015


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