January 8, 2017

Dear Future Me

This is a letter to my future self -- my self at the end of 2017. 

Hello, 2017 Luis. 

It's (also) 2017 Luis but at the start of the year. As I'm writing this, I'm currently on break. Yes, break was this long and rightfully so. The first semester of college was exhausting -- both mentally and spiritually. I guess it only was by God's grace that I got through first semester. Right now, my main priority is recharging before officially starting the year with school work and church activities. Rest assured, chicken nuggets would have been a part of it. But anyway, I'm writing this because I want to know: how have you been?

Anything new with you lately? You turned 18 this past year! I know you've been really excited to turn 18. Did you celebrate with a party or are you still iffy about parties? I know I wouldn't want a party if you asked me right now. But did you at least treat yourself? What did you get for your birthday? Did you get something you've always wanted? Did you get something you didn't know you wanted until you got it?

Can you drive now? If you do, do you drive yourself to school? Has this avoided the stress of commuting for you? Or do you still commute on occasion? I know you've been wanting to go and learn. (Yes, Luis at the start of 2017 still doesn't know how to commute. Deal with it.) Has the traffic improved? I hope you don't get too stressed about it.

Did you take more breaks this year? Have you taken time to unplug from the internet? The internet can be so stressful sometimes so I hope you've made an effort to step away and breathe. 

How's the stack of books on the side table that you always say you're going to read? I hope you've been taking time to read more books this year. Did you find any good reads this year? Wait, are hard copies still a thing?

Does McDonald's offer more dips for their nuggets now? Barbecue sauce is life but sometimes I just want to know what nuggets would taste like with ranch or honey mustard. Wait, have they actually started giving you the Sweet & Sour dip when you pay extra for it?

How's school been? Is UP treating you well? Is this a sensitive topic? Regardless, I hope you remember to take care of yourself because your health is so much more important than the number that appears on your paper. 

Did you change hairstyle this year? Did you keep the top knot? Did you dye it blue like you've always wanted to? Have you painted your nails? Did you go for black nail polish? Are gender roles still a thing in 2017? No pressure if it still is. Some changes need more than a year to happen.

Did you visit the Eiffel Tower this year? What about the Colosseum? Did you get to explore the streets of London? How's the food over there in Europe? Did you get to meet any of the British Youtubers over there? Did you at least get to see Zoe and Alfie's wax figures at Madame Tussauds? 

Hey, how have you been with your anxiety? You haven't had an attack in awhile (praise God!), but I hope you've been doing alright. Have you been able to manage your anxiety or has it gotten much more difficult to do so this year? Did you decide to go see a therapist about it?

Are you in a relationship now? Oh, this is an exciting question. If you are, how did you two meet? Are you happy with who you're with? Does mom and dad like them? Do our best friends like them? Okay, important question: do they like Beyoncé? Do you love them even if they don't? 

Are you still creating? Do you still take time to write? Have you started on new projects this year? Do you still enjoy what you do here on the blog? Have you finally decided to become a Youtuber? Is that the new project you've been working on?

Have you taken time to take care of yourself this past year? That doesn't just mean working out, sleeping well, and eating right, all of which I hope you have been doing. But what I mean is taking extra steps to make sure you're okay. Have you started saying no to options and opportunities you don't feel comfortable with? Did you consciously set aside time to do your devotions this past year? Did you catch up with your friends more whether online or in person? Have you asked yourself if you still enjoy what you do in life?

Lastly, were you more loving this year? Were you kinder and more intentional when thanking others? It's always been a struggle for me to love others but I hope this past year progress would have been made. Loving can be so complicated. It wouldn't be a surprise if that hasn't changed. Regardless, I hope 2017 was a great year for love. Not only for you, but for everyone in the world. I hope it was the year you truly radiated the love you've always wanted to see in this world. 

Writing this, I already know it's going to be a big year for us. If ever you feel down, know that I'm already so proud of how much you've grown. I can't wait to hear how 2017 was for you. Please do reply to this letter. That'd be really great. Talk to you soon!

Until next time, 

Previous Post: Highlights of 2016