December 21, 2016

Baking Chocolate Chip Cookies

Christmas is a time of sharing and happiness and one thing that makes me happy that I would like to share with you is my favourite recipe for chocolate chip cookies! I have gone through a couple recipes and I have found this one that personally just works. You get warm and chewy cookies that taste sweet with a hint of saltiness in there. These cookies are amazing and perfect for when you need something to munch on while reading a book or when you're looking for something to satisfy your sweet tooth after a meal!

This recipe that I will be sharing is a combination of several different recipes that I found on the internet. I will be honest though that the cookies in the photos don't look exactly the same as the cookies that I produced the first time I tried this recipe. I lacked a couple measurements of ingredients the first time I baked using this recipe but the cookies that I did bake this time around tasted even better than last so I'm pretty set with this recipe. The links to the other recipes that inspired this one will be below!

☐ 2 cups of flour
☐ 1 teaspoon baking soda
☐ 1 teaspoon of salt
☐ 2 cups of brown sugar
☐ 1 cup of butter
☐ 2 eggs
☐ 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract

☐ 2 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips

1. Preheat your oven at 170 C.
2. In a bowl, mix in your dry ingredients.
3. In a separate bowl (preferably a large one), mix together your brown sugar and butter until thoroughly combined.
4. Mix in your eggs and vanilla extract to your butter mix.
5. Once wet ingredients have been completely mixed together, gradually add in the dry mix into the butter mix. This will prevent the cookie dough from forming lumps of flour. Use a spatula to mix in the dry ingredients. Mix until cookie mix is smooth.
6. Mix in your chocolate chip cookies with the use of a spatula, folding them into the cookie mix. Mix until smooth.
7. Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper or grease the sheet with butter so that the cookies do not stick to the sheet while it's baking.
8. Scoop 1 teaspoon worth of cookie mix into the cookie sheet about 1 inch from each other. This will give the cookies enough room in the sheet as they flatten and expand while baking.
9. Place yourcookies inside the oven to bake for 11 minutes. The cookies should look light brown, golden, or even dark brown (depending on the butter and sugar mixture) and a little soft to the touch. This is exactly what you want! They will look uncooked and that's completely fine. Do not overcook your cookies! Having the cookies int he oven any longer will burn and harden the cookies.
10. Place your cookies in a cooling tray or a large plate with enough space for each cookie to cool for 30 minutes. Do not touch or until after 30 minutes to make sure that the cookie completely sets.
11. Once the cookies have cooled down, they're ready to be eaten!

Other Cookie Recipes:
▷ BakingBlonde's Recipe
▷ PinchofYum's Recipe
▷ How-to-Simplify's Recipe
▷ Hershey's Recipe

Previous Post: Christmas Playlist


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