December 2, 2016

Christmas Playlist

It's finally December! I cannot believe that we are already in our last month of 2016 already. While it is cliché to say this, the year has been such a roller-coaster ride. There have been several ups and downs, but I am extremely excited for a very huge up in my life this year -- CHRISTMAS.

Christmas is probably my favourite time of the year. It's always had a special place in my heart. My memories from my past Christmases have always been good and so coming into the Christmas season this year, I wanted to make a conscious effort to make this year's Christmas one that I'll remember years later. With that, I will be putting up Christmas-themed blog posts throughout December to celebrate the season! This blog has always been a place for me to express myself and a journal for all that's been happening in my life and so putting up posts about Christmas seemed very appropriate!

For today's post, I have created a Christmas playlist on Spotify to get everyone into the holiday spirit. The idea came about whilst I was talking to a good friend of mine who was asking me for suggestions for her Christmas playlist for the year (thank you Aila for the idea of this post). This playlist contains all of my favourite classic Christmas songs as well as new ones that I have been loving that I hope all of you will enjoy as well! So without further ado, here is my Christmas playlist:

The playlist will also be playing here on my blog for the entire month so that you can listen to really beautiful Christmas music while you're reading through my posts! If you want to go pick a track, you can click the music note on the bottom right side of the screen and the playlist will appear. I hope you enjoy listening and that your Christmas be filled with happy memories!

Until next time!
~ Luis

Previous Post  Zambales 2016
Spotify Links:
My playlist  Christmas Playlist
Aila's playlist  Happy Hollibae


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