November 15, 2016

17 Things About Being 17

A few weeks ago, I turned seventeen and to be quite honest, not much has changed (except for the fact that I'm much closer to turning eighteen). But, a lot can and does change over time, and so I wanted to look back at my life and see for myself just how much I've changed in the past year.

So, here are seventeen things about being in this oddly awkward age of seventeen:

1. You suddenly enjoy having candles lit in your room because it actually lifts your mood. 

2. You've sort of found a style that you're comfortable wearing (although you don't know exactly what it's called). 

3. You sort of appreciate lotions now. 

4. You're starting to take more naps especially now that you barely get to sleep well. 

5. You actually like Big Macs now, but Jollibee is still life. 

6. You've been blogging for two years now. Two years. 

7. You're learning to say yes to new opportunities (even those outside of your comfort zone).

8. You enjoy a cup of tea a bit more than a cup of coffee now. Honestly, you've changed. 

9. You've been to a friend's debut. 

10. You've also been to a friend's wedding. 

11. You value your friendships more now than you did when you were sixteen. 

12. You value yourself more now than you did when you were sixteen. 

13. You suddenly feel old and young at the same time. There's honestly no in between. 

14. You're completely okay with not being okay. Read: When I'm Not Feeling It  

15. You've actually watched (most of the) Star Wars now.

16. You never leave the house without an umbrella anymore because you want to be prepared for when it rains and that's partly because; 

17. You're in college now. College

Looking back at how much has changed in the past year gives me so much hope for the next. That in spite of all the mess and sadness in the world right now, a lot can and will change over time. I'm excited for what God has in store for me and I can't wait to look back when I'm eighteen and see the growth and progress that has happened in my life.

Until Next Time!
~ Luis

Previous Post: When I'm Not Feeling It 


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