June 20, 2015

Hiatus Again?

Okay. I haven't really been posting regularly for the past few weeks and it's because I've been extremely busy.

For the whole month of May, I had review classes going so my mind was jammed with a lot of academic information which didn't help the flow of my creative juices. I was also busy preparing for my school's first week of classes. It's called Orientation Week and it's basically a lot of games that test your physical capabilities, emotional capacity and spiritual strength. Aside from that making my body sore, I had to prepare for this past week, which was the first week of learning. That meant adjusting to the new schedule, new set of teachers, and new set of classmates. Aside from that, learning new lessons while recalling old ones was a bit difficult too.

I'm extremely blessed to have teachers who are understanding of the gravity of being a senior student, but the stress is just extremely overwhelming. Aside from the load of responsibilities that senior students get, we also have college entrance exams coming up. That entails a lot of preparation in both the academic and spiritual aspect.

College is an extremely faith-stretching topic. Just thinking about it makes me anxious. It might be the uncertainty that comes when deciding on what course to take up. It might also be the fact that whatever you take up in college will have a huge impact on your life later on.

With that in mind, I need to take time to reevaluate myself and talk to my God about everything that has been going on and will go on in my life. That means that I have to take a break from writing on my free time here on my blog. This is just temporary. I will get back to writing as soon as all these are done. I will try to write from time to time just to give an update on what's happening but don't expect something every single week. I will definitely miss writing for my blog but I need to prioritise what's ahead of me.

I hope you enjoyed reading it even if it was a bit lengthy. While I'm on hiatus, you can check out my other posts! I will put the links to some of them down below. That is all I have for you guys today!

Until Next Time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2015/06/bucket-list.html
Links to other post:

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June 12, 2015

Bucket List

bucket list (n)
"a list of things one has not done before but wants to do before dying"
"from the phrase "kick the bucket"

Everyone has a bucket list. I have one. You probably have one. Your parents might have one. You may not call it a bucket list but if it's a list of things you hope to accomplish before you die, then it's bucket list. 

A few years back, I watched a movie called "The Bucket List" which stars Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson in lead roles. It's about two men from different walks of life completing each other's bucket list before their time is up. After watching the movie, I started to write my own bucket list. Not because I was dying or anything, but because I thought it was a good idea to think of things that I'd want to do before my time's up. In today's blog post, I will be sharing a few things on my bucket list. Enjoy!

Publish A Book
I don't really know why I wanted to publish a book back then, but thinking about it now, I think I would love to publish my own book. To be quite honest, I never thought I'd develop a thing for writing and the idea of having a physical copy of your words being published just amazes me. Beyond that, a book is a great opportunity to send a message to other people!

Open My Own Coffee Shop
Aside from being inspired by the coffee shop in Club Penguin, I think I've always found coffee shops amazing. Coffee shops are perfect for either relaxing or working. The ambiance plus the great coffee partnered with good pastries just makes me smile. There's something about a coffee shop that makes me happy. Aside from that, I love coffee which is weird because back then, I didn't drink coffee.

Visit Pixar Animation Studios
I grew up watching Pixar movies and a lot of my favourite movies are created by Pixar. Finding Nemo, which is my favourite childhood movie of all time, was created by Pixar. Toy Story was also created by Pixar. Also, Up. To see where these movies came to be would be such an amazing experience. I feel like when I see a Dory statue, I'll just freak out and scream: DORY!!!

Watch Wicked on Broadway
Wicked is my favourite musical of all time. I saw it when the Australian production came to the Philippines and it was incredible. To be able to see the production on Broadway will be the death of me. To watch anything on Broadway is one thing. To watch my favourite musical at The Gershwin Theatre is a whole different level of awesome. It'll be on the same theatre that Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth, the original Elphaba and Glinda, performed on. It'll definitely be one I won't forget.

Watch Star Wars
Okay. Okay. Yes, I know. I know I haven't watched one of the best movie series in the whole world. I know I'm missing out. Yes, I know. I have friends who love Star Wars. That's why "Watch Star Wars" is on my bucket list. (While writing this, I could literally hear a thousand Star Wars fans raging)

Feed The Penguins
Penguins are the cutest birds in the world. I don't care about hummingbirds. I don't care about flamingos. No. I want none of them. Penguins are the birds for me. I've seen penguins before but then there was a glass in between us so the penguin and I couldn't have a proper moment together. I feel like feeding a lot of penguins would just be magical. I can't even describe it any other way. It'd be magical.

Those are some of the things on my bucket list! I hope you enjoyed reading this. I also hope you're encouraged to start making your own bucket list! Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it so much! That's all I have today.

Until Next Time


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June 7, 2015

Pentatonix Concert

Today's post is about Pentatonix and their concert here in Manila. There's nothing more to it. It's just about that.

I just watched their concert here in Manila and I cannot even right now. I am a changed person. They are honestly so good. It's not even an exaggeration because they really are good. There are some artists who are really good on their tracks and records, but aren't as good live. Pentatonix is different. They are outstanding on their tracks and are just as amazing or even better live. Again, not an exaggeration.

Oh, might I add also that Pentatonix is an acapella group. That means they use no instruments. All the sounds you hear are produced by their voices and bodies (claps and stomps). They occasionally use a cello or sometimes add a violin depending on their song. An acapella concert that felt so much like a rock concert. It was literally amazing.

I just want to talk about how Kirstie Maldonado smiled and waved at me. She was probably doing that to the whole bunch of us but I really felt her eyes look at me and her smile directed me. I was waving in her direction. I'm a very tall dude wearing a white shirt so the odds that it was me is pretty high. Also, I got a picture of Scott Hoying up close. Honestly, he is so good looking. I was getting my camera ready but then I saw him and I was just starstruck. I literally went o.o because he looks really good. My existence has been slayed to say the least. They all looked really fashionable and flawless. Their outfits were amazing.

The whole concert was amazing. Their setlist was so good. They did all the songs from PTX Vol. III. They did the "Evolution of Beyonce" which was incredible. I sang along. I sang all the lyrics. I danced to it. They also did "Aha!" which I was obviously waiting for. Mitch Grassi slayed that song. His notes were on point. He is honestly singing goals. They also did the "Evolution of Music" which was so good. It was a mashup of a lot of different songs from across musical history. They did an off-mic version of "That's Christmas To Me" which was heaven to the ears. They all sounded amazing. I definitely danced to "Rather Be" which was a solo by my bae, Kirstie. Kevin's cello-boxing was literally amazing. Avi was the sweetest of them all. He didn't talk as much as the others, but his smile said it all. Of course, they performed their Grammy Award-winning song, "Daft Punk", which is a mashup of Daft Punk songs.

I got VIP tickets hoping to meet them (and of course, good seats). Unfortunately, I didn't know the details of the meet and greet, so I probably missed it. I would say it's alright but then again I paid to see them. I did get a picture of Scott and I got myself a t-shirt, which I will totally rock any day of the week.

When they come back next year, I will definitely come again. I will also make sure to go to the meet and greet next year. I will also make sure to be there earlier because I don't want to miss any opportunity to meet them.

To Pentatonix, if you are reading this, I love you guys so much. I cannot even express how much I thank you for coming here and sharing your talent. I can't wait to see you guys again!

Thanks for listening to me blabber about my favourite band/group. I will be linking down below some of my favourite songs and covers from them. I hope you enjoyed reading and that you're interested in Pentatonix! That is all I have for you guys today!

Until Next Time


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June 4, 2015

More Like My Dog?

Hello everybody! It's almost been two weeks since I last posted here on my blog. I've been really busy with review and I just wanted to take a few days off to rest. Today's blog post will be about my dog, specifically her traits. Before I get into that, let me give a background to how my dog and I met.

Two years ago, my mom surprised me for my birthday (specifically the day before my birthday). I got home from band practice because I was going to serve in church the next day. I go to the porch and greet my parents's dog, Kobee, and my sister's dog, Frankie. As I headed for the door, I see this little creature in a small, green cage wagging it's little brown tail. I immediately stop walking and look at the cute little labrador puppy. Seeing the little creature wag its tail at me made me smile.

A few months before that, I had expressed a desire to get my own dog, specifically a labrador, because everyone in the family had one except me. I decided against it thought because I felt that I wouldn't be able to properly take care of the dog and other negative things. Seeing the little creature on the porch on that day made me wonder why my mom got her (yes, my dog's a girl). Apparently, her kennel was destroyed by the recent storm during that time. The veterinarian who owned the kennel offered it my dog and a few of her sisters to people she knew could take care of them. My mom obviously said yes. I probably would've said yes too. Ever since I found out why my mom took her in, my dog got extra special love from me.

You might be wondering why I haven't mentioned my dog's name. Well, it's because two years ago, I took so much time trying to figure out what to call her. I don't even know how I managed that. After a week, I decided to name my little labrador, Yanna!

Now that you have the story of how I met my dog, let's get to the main part of the post. As I said, I'll be discussing my dog's traits, but to be more specific, traits that I wish I had. Let's go!

1) Happy
If my dog had a background music, it would probably be Pharrell Williams's "Happy". My dog is one of the happiest creatures I know in this world. She's probably happier than someone on laughing gas. Even the smallest of things make her day. If you offer her a pebble, she'll be happy to accept it and play with it in her mouth. If you offer her a treat, she's grateful for it. My dog never misses an opportunity to smile and wag her tail to the best of her ability.

2) Giving
My dog loves to offer me things. Whenever I play with her or pass her by when I walk to the car, she always wants to give me something whether it's her chew toy or even her bowl. She'll spill the water  or the dog food just so she can give the bowl to me (of course I give her water again or pick up the dog food). More than that, she gives it with a happy heart. She wags her tail and smiles while holding whatever she's giving.

3) Encouraging
My dog may not know how to talk, but she's a very encouraging dog. By simply being extremely happy when I'm there with her makes me happy so much. My dog is literally amazing. People didn't think Yanna would ever learn how to sit. Guess what? She knows how to sit. She responds to the command before the Rottweiler (Rottweilers are extremely obedient dogs) does or even before I say the command. Isn't that encouraging?

4) Loving
I think the most important trait that my dog, Yanna, has is that she's extremely loving. To her it doesn't matter who you are. She'll be happy to see you and give you some love. Even when I sometimes don't get to play with her, she still loves the same. Sometimes even more than the last time.

I guess what I want to say here is that: we can learn a lot from our dogs and that we should never take them for granted because they love you more than they love themselves and they deserve to be loved the same way. I hope you guys enjoyed reading the post as much as I love my dog. I really do hope to one day be more like my dog in these aspects. That's all I want to say for today. I'll be back soon!

Until Next Time!

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