June 12, 2015

Bucket List

bucket list (n)
"a list of things one has not done before but wants to do before dying"
"from the phrase "kick the bucket"

Everyone has a bucket list. I have one. You probably have one. Your parents might have one. You may not call it a bucket list but if it's a list of things you hope to accomplish before you die, then it's bucket list. 

A few years back, I watched a movie called "The Bucket List" which stars Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson in lead roles. It's about two men from different walks of life completing each other's bucket list before their time is up. After watching the movie, I started to write my own bucket list. Not because I was dying or anything, but because I thought it was a good idea to think of things that I'd want to do before my time's up. In today's blog post, I will be sharing a few things on my bucket list. Enjoy!

Publish A Book
I don't really know why I wanted to publish a book back then, but thinking about it now, I think I would love to publish my own book. To be quite honest, I never thought I'd develop a thing for writing and the idea of having a physical copy of your words being published just amazes me. Beyond that, a book is a great opportunity to send a message to other people!

Open My Own Coffee Shop
Aside from being inspired by the coffee shop in Club Penguin, I think I've always found coffee shops amazing. Coffee shops are perfect for either relaxing or working. The ambiance plus the great coffee partnered with good pastries just makes me smile. There's something about a coffee shop that makes me happy. Aside from that, I love coffee which is weird because back then, I didn't drink coffee.

Visit Pixar Animation Studios
I grew up watching Pixar movies and a lot of my favourite movies are created by Pixar. Finding Nemo, which is my favourite childhood movie of all time, was created by Pixar. Toy Story was also created by Pixar. Also, Up. To see where these movies came to be would be such an amazing experience. I feel like when I see a Dory statue, I'll just freak out and scream: DORY!!!

Watch Wicked on Broadway
Wicked is my favourite musical of all time. I saw it when the Australian production came to the Philippines and it was incredible. To be able to see the production on Broadway will be the death of me. To watch anything on Broadway is one thing. To watch my favourite musical at The Gershwin Theatre is a whole different level of awesome. It'll be on the same theatre that Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenoweth, the original Elphaba and Glinda, performed on. It'll definitely be one I won't forget.

Watch Star Wars
Okay. Okay. Yes, I know. I know I haven't watched one of the best movie series in the whole world. I know I'm missing out. Yes, I know. I have friends who love Star Wars. That's why "Watch Star Wars" is on my bucket list. (While writing this, I could literally hear a thousand Star Wars fans raging)

Feed The Penguins
Penguins are the cutest birds in the world. I don't care about hummingbirds. I don't care about flamingos. No. I want none of them. Penguins are the birds for me. I've seen penguins before but then there was a glass in between us so the penguin and I couldn't have a proper moment together. I feel like feeding a lot of penguins would just be magical. I can't even describe it any other way. It'd be magical.

Those are some of the things on my bucket list! I hope you enjoyed reading this. I also hope you're encouraged to start making your own bucket list! Thanks for taking the time to read this. I appreciate it so much! That's all I have today.

Until Next Time


1 comment:

  1. "While writing this, I could literally a thousand Star Wars fans raging"

    i could literally too
