June 20, 2015

Hiatus Again?

Okay. I haven't really been posting regularly for the past few weeks and it's because I've been extremely busy.

For the whole month of May, I had review classes going so my mind was jammed with a lot of academic information which didn't help the flow of my creative juices. I was also busy preparing for my school's first week of classes. It's called Orientation Week and it's basically a lot of games that test your physical capabilities, emotional capacity and spiritual strength. Aside from that making my body sore, I had to prepare for this past week, which was the first week of learning. That meant adjusting to the new schedule, new set of teachers, and new set of classmates. Aside from that, learning new lessons while recalling old ones was a bit difficult too.

I'm extremely blessed to have teachers who are understanding of the gravity of being a senior student, but the stress is just extremely overwhelming. Aside from the load of responsibilities that senior students get, we also have college entrance exams coming up. That entails a lot of preparation in both the academic and spiritual aspect.

College is an extremely faith-stretching topic. Just thinking about it makes me anxious. It might be the uncertainty that comes when deciding on what course to take up. It might also be the fact that whatever you take up in college will have a huge impact on your life later on.

With that in mind, I need to take time to reevaluate myself and talk to my God about everything that has been going on and will go on in my life. That means that I have to take a break from writing on my free time here on my blog. This is just temporary. I will get back to writing as soon as all these are done. I will try to write from time to time just to give an update on what's happening but don't expect something every single week. I will definitely miss writing for my blog but I need to prioritise what's ahead of me.

I hope you enjoyed reading it even if it was a bit lengthy. While I'm on hiatus, you can check out my other posts! I will put the links to some of them down below. That is all I have for you guys today!

Until Next Time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2015/06/bucket-list.html
Links to other post:


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