June 4, 2015

More Like My Dog?

Hello everybody! It's almost been two weeks since I last posted here on my blog. I've been really busy with review and I just wanted to take a few days off to rest. Today's blog post will be about my dog, specifically her traits. Before I get into that, let me give a background to how my dog and I met.

Two years ago, my mom surprised me for my birthday (specifically the day before my birthday). I got home from band practice because I was going to serve in church the next day. I go to the porch and greet my parents's dog, Kobee, and my sister's dog, Frankie. As I headed for the door, I see this little creature in a small, green cage wagging it's little brown tail. I immediately stop walking and look at the cute little labrador puppy. Seeing the little creature wag its tail at me made me smile.

A few months before that, I had expressed a desire to get my own dog, specifically a labrador, because everyone in the family had one except me. I decided against it thought because I felt that I wouldn't be able to properly take care of the dog and other negative things. Seeing the little creature on the porch on that day made me wonder why my mom got her (yes, my dog's a girl). Apparently, her kennel was destroyed by the recent storm during that time. The veterinarian who owned the kennel offered it my dog and a few of her sisters to people she knew could take care of them. My mom obviously said yes. I probably would've said yes too. Ever since I found out why my mom took her in, my dog got extra special love from me.

You might be wondering why I haven't mentioned my dog's name. Well, it's because two years ago, I took so much time trying to figure out what to call her. I don't even know how I managed that. After a week, I decided to name my little labrador, Yanna!

Now that you have the story of how I met my dog, let's get to the main part of the post. As I said, I'll be discussing my dog's traits, but to be more specific, traits that I wish I had. Let's go!

1) Happy
If my dog had a background music, it would probably be Pharrell Williams's "Happy". My dog is one of the happiest creatures I know in this world. She's probably happier than someone on laughing gas. Even the smallest of things make her day. If you offer her a pebble, she'll be happy to accept it and play with it in her mouth. If you offer her a treat, she's grateful for it. My dog never misses an opportunity to smile and wag her tail to the best of her ability.

2) Giving
My dog loves to offer me things. Whenever I play with her or pass her by when I walk to the car, she always wants to give me something whether it's her chew toy or even her bowl. She'll spill the water  or the dog food just so she can give the bowl to me (of course I give her water again or pick up the dog food). More than that, she gives it with a happy heart. She wags her tail and smiles while holding whatever she's giving.

3) Encouraging
My dog may not know how to talk, but she's a very encouraging dog. By simply being extremely happy when I'm there with her makes me happy so much. My dog is literally amazing. People didn't think Yanna would ever learn how to sit. Guess what? She knows how to sit. She responds to the command before the Rottweiler (Rottweilers are extremely obedient dogs) does or even before I say the command. Isn't that encouraging?

4) Loving
I think the most important trait that my dog, Yanna, has is that she's extremely loving. To her it doesn't matter who you are. She'll be happy to see you and give you some love. Even when I sometimes don't get to play with her, she still loves the same. Sometimes even more than the last time.

I guess what I want to say here is that: we can learn a lot from our dogs and that we should never take them for granted because they love you more than they love themselves and they deserve to be loved the same way. I hope you guys enjoyed reading the post as much as I love my dog. I really do hope to one day be more like my dog in these aspects. That's all I want to say for today. I'll be back soon!

Until Next Time!


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