March 26, 2015


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

You might be wondering what that html code on top is for. Well, it's for my Bloglovin account. I needed to place the code on a blog post so that I could claim this blog onto my account.

You might be wondering now what Bloglovin is. It's basically a site where you can go and read all your favourite blogs. Doesn't matter if the blog's on blogspot or wordpress. You follow the blog and you'll get to see the blog on your feed. If you have blogs too, you can add it to your account (just like what I did), so that those who read your blog or blogs can easily find your other blogs.

It's a convenient site that I recommend especially if you blog and you like to read other people's blogs.

That's all for today. Just a quick post. Hope you find Bloglovin useful whether you're a content creator or a content consumer.

Until Next Time!
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March 21, 2015

Things To Do This Summer

The school year has ended for most of us and that only means one thing: summer!

Summer is the perfect time to relax and rest after the stressful school year, but there's always seems to be this one problem about summer: you never know what to do during the summer. That might be a small problem for some who plan their next summer as soon as their summer ends, but there are some who don't know what to do during the summer. That is why, today, I will be sharing to you guys a few things that you can do this summer.

1) Be active. As boring as that might seem, working out is actually pretty fun. Working out during the summer time is perfect because you have time to actually work out and get healthy. It doesn't necessarily have to be going to the gym. Get into sports. If you find that "boring", then go find a work out buddy! If you don't want to work out, then enrol into a dance studio and maybe you'll find that fun.

2) Travel. You might be thinking: not everyone has the money to travel out of the country. Well, you don't necessarily have to travel out of the country to have an amazing summer. A road trip to a province isn't so bad. Go to a resort. Visit your grandparents who live in a city far away.

3) Learn something new. Learning? Again? Yes. This is the perfect time to learn something new. Try to learn an instrument. Learn how to draw the way artists do in comic books. Learn how to swim. Learn how to ride a bike. Try and reach new notes. Never stop learning. Try to learn how to cook or a different recipe if you already cook.

4) Try something new. Have you tried hiking? Try it. Have you tried this dish at this restaurant? Try it. Have you tried painting? Try it. Have you tried blogging? Try it. Summer is the perfect time to try out something new. Don't be afraid and just try it (as long as it's good).

5) Spend time. Family? Friends? Spend time with both. You have a whole summer to do so. Use the time to get to know them more. Have lunch with them. Go to a theme park with them. Spend time with them.

6) Be involved. Be involved in church and serve in one of the ministries. I'm sure there's a ministry for you there. Be involved in a charity. Help others out by volunteering for a good cause. Be involved in good things in any way you can.

There are so much more things that you can do during the summer time because these are just six general things. Hopefully, you guys found it helpful and that you find something to do this summer. That is all I have for you today!

Until Next Time!

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March 16, 2015

The Importance of Sleep

Today's blog post is about something that everyone (hopefully still) does: sleep.

Sleep is important. The human body needs at least eight to ten hours of sleep every day. You might be saying to yourself right now: Yes, I already know that because they always say that in commercials, doctor's appointments, school, etc. Well, knowing is one thing, but doing is another. 

Do you actually sleep at lest eight to ten hours a day? You might say there's work to do. Fine. Let me rephrase then. Do you make a conscious effort to get at least eight to ten hours of sleep a day?

Why is it so important to get at least eight to ten hours of sleep a day?

First of all, sleep is the time where your body enhances its growth and "healing" mechanisms. What do I mean by that? Your body isn't exactly perfect (it were then you wouldn't need to sleep) which is why some parts of your body grow tired at the end of the day. Sleep rests those body parts so that by the next day, those body parts are ready for use once again. Also, during sleep, your body continues its growth process by releasing growth hormones. So, if you want to grow taller, you better sleep! Where does the enhancing part come in? Our body naturally grows and heals itself, but during sleep, these processes are, in a way, given boosts and "+"s through hormones that the body releases during sleep.

Secondly, sleep is (usually) the time when you enter the world of dreams. Here, our subconsciousness starts its creative process. Our body creates worlds and dimensions completely based on the things that our body has seen or experienced. The people that we interact with everyday and even those we just see in the street as we cross or drive by. The places that we know about appear in our dreams as well regardless if we have been there or not. Events that we have experienced or know of can also be the basis of our dreams. What's so important about dreams? Dreams allow the brain to continue being creative even during rest. 

Now that you know the importance of sleep, you might be wondering: How can I get the sleep that my body needs? Well, I have a few tips for you guys.

1) Avoid Procrastinating. That is probably the number one enemy of sleep nowadays (aside from sleep-related illnesses which can be caused by bad sleeping habits). When you have work to do, do as much as you can days before that work is due. Why? Not only are you jeopardising your work by affecting the quality of your work, you are also harming your own body. How? Overworking it at night when your body needs rest due to the work it's done for the day because you need to finish the work that's due tomorrow.

2) Get off your gadgets minutes before bedtime. Shut down your laptop. Put your phone on silent. Stop playing that addicting game that you might have been playing for almost four hours by now. Do all these minutes before bedtime so that you can prepare yourself for sleep. You never know. That "five minutes more" that you told yourself might turn into four hours. It also gives you time to check if you're ready for the next day (which you should've done before you started using your gadgets).

3) Plan. If you need to get up tomorrow by six in the morning and you want nine hours of sleep, then sleep by nine in the evening. Time your sleep so that you don't lack sleep the next day. It seems very technical but I promise you that it will pay off.

I hope that after reading this post, everyone will value sleep more. It's one of the ways we can love our bodies more, which I think people should do more often. That is all I have for you guys today! I hope you all enjoyed this blog post. If you think someone should see this, feel free to share it to them :)

Until Next Time!
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March 8, 2015


passion (n)
"strong and barely controllable emotion"
"an intense desire or enthusiasm for something"
~ Oxford Dictionary of English ~

When you look at someone who dances so gracefully and effortlessly on stage, can you say that the dancer has passion for dancing? When an artist creates his or her masterpiece with great style and precision, can you say that he or she is a passionate artist? When a doctor is able to help his or her patients get better, can you say that the doctor is passionate about his profession? I personally don't think so. Anyone can be skilled at their craft and still not be passionate about it. So, how do you know if someone is truly passionate for something?

Passion comes from the heart. It is an emotion that you experience when you do something that you love and enjoy. This is why it is easy for you to be passionate about things that you love. When you love to cook, it's easy for you to be passionate about your cooking. If you love to draw, your love for drawing can make you passionate about drawing.

So, if it comes from the heart, then it can't really be "checked". Well, not necessarily. You can still check and see if someone is truly passionate about what they are doing.

Passion can be seen in one's actions. When you do the things that you love like helping people or performing, you feel fulfilled and relieved to be doing those things. You don't get tired of those things. Well, there's always that physical stress on you when you do things because we're only humans, but you know what I mean. Doing things you are passionate about really shows your passion.

The state of your heart is translated into the quality of your work. If you love to dance, would you not give your all while performing each step? Wouldn't you make sure that every stroke and shade that you make isn't anything less than perfect? Wouldn't you give your best to perform that song?

If you aren't passionate about the things that you do, then it is seen in the quality of your work. Others will see that you don't give as much energy during dances. The audience will hear that you aren't hitting those notes correctly. They will see that you don't really care if your project isn't in its best quality when you pass it.

That's how you know if someone's truly passionate about something. But what does this have to be with being creative? Simple. Passion can help you achieve the peak of your creativity.

You can be creative with the things that you love to do. The way you present your dishes. The way you make your projects. Your vocal style. Your dancing technique. The way you study your patient's cases, your client's cases, your lessons in school. All of these require at least a bit of creativity because passion is fuel for creativity.

This the second post on my blog's series on creativity. I really took time to write this post (so much time actually that I took almost two months to write this hahaha) so that I can really make sure that I get to say what I want to say. If you haven't seen my first post on the creativity series, which was about inspiration, the link will be below. But that is all I have for you guys today! I hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing :)

Until Next Time!

Creative Project:

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March 5, 2015

February Favourites

We are done with the second month of the year already. February went by so quickly. Well, the month only has 28 days so maybe that's why it feels short. I have been loving a few things from the past month and that is what I will be talking about today!

~ Disclaimer: I am not paid to advertise the things that I mention below. I also am not affiliated with the companies that I mention below. ~

1) "Smoke+Mirrors" by Imagine Dragons
The newest Imagine Dragons album is amazing. I personally like this better than Night Visions because of the diversity that their sound has in this album. It's still their style and artistry but you know there's something new and unique about their sound now. It does not disappoint!

2) "The Flash" by The CW
I was looking for a new series to watch that was engaging and interesting, and let me tell you something: The Flash did not disappoint. Being a DC fan, I am pleased at the show. The plot is amazing. The way the story progresses is just right. It isn't fast (pun not intended) but it isn't slow either. The way they introduce characters is amazing. I love how they drop hints and give clues to the audience about future characters and other characters in the DC universe. I finished the first 14 episodes in 3 days. That's how hooked I was am to this show. If you're looking for a series to watch, I recommend this 100%.

3) Romulo's Cafe
My parents wanted to eat out together for Valentine's Day and we ate here. The place is very chic and classy. I loved the ambiance of the place. It was very chill and and it had a vintage feel because of all the photos of Carlos P. Romulo, who's the grandfather of the owner of the restaurant. The food was amazing. Everything was cooked nicely. Nothing was too much of this or too little of that. Everything was balanced. What I loved most was the Seafood Kare-Kare. It wasn't only the uniqueness of the dish that got to me. It was how you could still taste the squid and shrimp even though it was already mixed with the sauce. If you're looking for a restaurant that serves great Filipino food, this is the place to go.

4) White Instax Mini 8 Polaroid
I got this for Christmas from my parents and I only got to use this past month. I am so happy that I have one because polaroids are the best. I won't expound much on why I love it because I already made I blog post about it.

5) Lady Gaga's Oscar Performance
I cannot even. Her vocals were on point. Her vibe was amazing. It literally made me speechless. Paying tribute to such an iconic film is one thing. Bringing the house down with your tribute to an iconic film is another. Lady Gaga proves in this performance that she does have the vocals and artistry to be considered an musical icon.

6) "Good Mythical Morning" by Rhett and Link
I was looking for other Youtubers to watch and I've been hearing about Good Mythical Morning from my friends. It's not a new show. It's been there for awhile now. The web show on Youtube is run by Rhett McLaughlin and Link Neal III. They post videos every morning on weekdays and each video is random. They talk about anything and everything but it isn't the kind of random that's weird and unlikable. It's the kind that's interesting and entertaining. It's the kind of random that's creative. Their show never fails to make me smile.

That is all of the things that I have been loving for the month of February! The links to some of them will be below so that you can check them out afterwards. I hope you guys enjoyed this post!

Until Next Time!

Lady Gaga's Performace:
*I apologise if the video isn't the best quality. There isn't really any HD videos of her performance*
Good Mythical Morning:

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