March 8, 2015


passion (n)
"strong and barely controllable emotion"
"an intense desire or enthusiasm for something"
~ Oxford Dictionary of English ~

When you look at someone who dances so gracefully and effortlessly on stage, can you say that the dancer has passion for dancing? When an artist creates his or her masterpiece with great style and precision, can you say that he or she is a passionate artist? When a doctor is able to help his or her patients get better, can you say that the doctor is passionate about his profession? I personally don't think so. Anyone can be skilled at their craft and still not be passionate about it. So, how do you know if someone is truly passionate for something?

Passion comes from the heart. It is an emotion that you experience when you do something that you love and enjoy. This is why it is easy for you to be passionate about things that you love. When you love to cook, it's easy for you to be passionate about your cooking. If you love to draw, your love for drawing can make you passionate about drawing.

So, if it comes from the heart, then it can't really be "checked". Well, not necessarily. You can still check and see if someone is truly passionate about what they are doing.

Passion can be seen in one's actions. When you do the things that you love like helping people or performing, you feel fulfilled and relieved to be doing those things. You don't get tired of those things. Well, there's always that physical stress on you when you do things because we're only humans, but you know what I mean. Doing things you are passionate about really shows your passion.

The state of your heart is translated into the quality of your work. If you love to dance, would you not give your all while performing each step? Wouldn't you make sure that every stroke and shade that you make isn't anything less than perfect? Wouldn't you give your best to perform that song?

If you aren't passionate about the things that you do, then it is seen in the quality of your work. Others will see that you don't give as much energy during dances. The audience will hear that you aren't hitting those notes correctly. They will see that you don't really care if your project isn't in its best quality when you pass it.

That's how you know if someone's truly passionate about something. But what does this have to be with being creative? Simple. Passion can help you achieve the peak of your creativity.

You can be creative with the things that you love to do. The way you present your dishes. The way you make your projects. Your vocal style. Your dancing technique. The way you study your patient's cases, your client's cases, your lessons in school. All of these require at least a bit of creativity because passion is fuel for creativity.

This the second post on my blog's series on creativity. I really took time to write this post (so much time actually that I took almost two months to write this hahaha) so that I can really make sure that I get to say what I want to say. If you haven't seen my first post on the creativity series, which was about inspiration, the link will be below. But that is all I have for you guys today! I hope you guys enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing :)

Until Next Time!

Creative Project:


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