March 26, 2015


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

You might be wondering what that html code on top is for. Well, it's for my Bloglovin account. I needed to place the code on a blog post so that I could claim this blog onto my account.

You might be wondering now what Bloglovin is. It's basically a site where you can go and read all your favourite blogs. Doesn't matter if the blog's on blogspot or wordpress. You follow the blog and you'll get to see the blog on your feed. If you have blogs too, you can add it to your account (just like what I did), so that those who read your blog or blogs can easily find your other blogs.

It's a convenient site that I recommend especially if you blog and you like to read other people's blogs.

That's all for today. Just a quick post. Hope you find Bloglovin useful whether you're a content creator or a content consumer.

Until Next Time!


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