January 28, 2015

January Favourites

It is almost the end of the first of month of 2015 and I have been loving a bunch of stuff, which is why I am going to be sharing them to you guys today! I will try to put the links to my favourites at the end of this post.

~ Disclaimer: I am not paid to advertise the things that I mention below. I also am not affiliated with the companies that I mention below. ~

1) "Find You" (Zedd Cover) by Evan Duffy ft. Mitch Grassi
I simply cannot describe this cover. It is literally one of my favourite covers. The way Mitch's voice and the notes go together is simply amazing. Hearing Mitch sing just by himself makes me appreciate him and his vocals even more. Evan Duffy's skills is beyond comprehension. I cannot even.

2) "Younger" (Acoustic Version) by Seinabo Sey
I was introduced to this song by my best friend and I have loved this song ever since. It isn't the usual song that's about heartbreaks (no shade on those songs). I personally think it's about realizing that the norm today shouldn't put you in a box and restrict you from doing things. It isn't about rebelling the authorities. It's just opening your eyes to the option that you have the freedom to not be part of the norm.

3) My Tumblr Playlist by Yumi Paras
I added a playlist to my Tumblr and I couldn't really formulate a playlist for it, so I asked my friend, Yumi Paras, to create me one. I am beyond happy and grateful for it! It has a nice vibe that goes well with my Tumblr, and it has my kind of songs.

4) Topman
I have been loving Topman this past month! The prints on their shirts are amazing. The beanies are the best there. They're soft, easy to wear and aren't constricting. Yes, it might be expensive, but they were on a bunch of sales recently, which is another reason why I have been loving Topman.

5) American Eagle Outfitters
Their shirts are so soft and the prints are really nice. Their prices are a bit expensive but they're worth it because of the quality of the shirts.

6) Iced Caramel Macchiato
This was introduced to me by best friend a long time ago and it has been my favourite ever since, but this January, it has really been one of the best months I have had drinking this. It is literally the best thing ever.

7) Pancakes
I went to IHOP this past month, and I really love pancakes. I love it so much that it was my Steam name for awhile. Pancakes are amazing. They're good for anytime of the day. If you prefer waffles, no judgement.

8) Back to the Future
I watched it for the first time and I am literally regretting not watching it earlier. I really like the plot and how it isn't corny. The vintage feel that it has is one of the best things ever. The effects were really good to be quite honest. It was really well. This will probably be one of my favourite movies of all time.

9) American Sniper
I went out on a movie with two of my guy friends to watch this, and I have to say that I am very satisfied with it. It isn't the kind of military/army themed movie that's all about the action. I won't discuss the details of the movie because I don't want to spoil it for you guys. If you're looking into watching movies, then I would suggest this one!

Well, those are all the things that I have been loving this past month! The links to some of them are below. Go check them out! That is all I have for you guys today! I hope you enjoyed this one.

Until Next Time!

Yumi's Tumblr: alaxechung.tumblr.com
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January 19, 2015

Things I Suck At

I personally suck at a lot of things, and that's what we're going to talk about today.

1) Basketball. I am the worst at basketball. I can barely get the ball inside the ring. It's probably because it was never really my thing (and because I'm fat so there's that).

2) Bringing My Keys. Most of the time, I forget to bring my keys to my locker and my house, and that has brought so much stress and frustration to me. I have had situations where I need something in my locker but I forgot my keys, so I had to have my lock broken. Going home is also the worst because my dad, who usually brings me home, is in rush because he has to pick my sister up, so it really doesn't help that he has to open the gate and door for me. I should really check my bag everyday.

3) Not Laughing. Whenever I find something funny, I will laugh my heart out. There will be no stopping me. This is why it is so hard for me to keep myself from laughing when I'm not supposed to laugh. It's a real struggle for me.

4) Cleaning My Room. I am absolutely the worst at cleaning my room. I mean I clean my room but I'm not consistent with my cleaning. Sometimes, I'll fix my desk, but most of the time, I'll leave all the clutter in my room until I feel like it. I need to sort out my priorities.

There's a bunch more things that I suck at aside from those four but that's all I'll be sharing today. This post doesn't really have any "deep" meaning behind it. I guess I just wanted to share that it's okay to suck at things as long as you don't let them define who you are.

That's all I have for you guys today!!! I hope you enjoyed this one.

Until Next Time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2015/01/emojis-that-should-exist.html
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January 16, 2015

Emojis That Should Exist

If you don't know what emojis are, you are missing out. Emojis are those little emoticons on your phone that save you the trouble of clicking the colon and the close parenthesis to say that you're smiling. Emojis exist to make texting more fun and exciting.

Some emojis are cute like the monkeys closing their eyes, ears and mouth, and then there's the shady moon emoji. But what bothers me the most is that there are emojis that don't exist, and that's what I'll be talking about today.

1) Unicorn Emoji. Why are there two dragon emojis but no unicorn emoji? What if you feel magical and you want to express it? The closest you'll get to a unicorn is typing in the number 1 and the corn emoji.

2) Potato Emoji. If french fries have their own emoji, why not its predecessor, the potato? If we didn't have potatoes, we wouldn't have french fries (or chips if you're from the UK).

3) Beyoncé Emoji. No explanation needed to be quite honest.

4) Dog Expression Emojis. If we have cat emojis that convey emotions, then why not dog emojis that do the same? I mean just think of a dog emoji with its head tilted a little (it's the cutest thing in real life).

5) Planet Emojis. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto deserve their own emojis just as much as Earth. Don't discriminate (even Pluto in spite of the fact that he's been having an identity crisis for the past few years).

6) Tongue Sticking Out But I'm Not Happy Emoji. All of the emojis that have their tongues out are happy. Not everyone's happy when they stick their tongue out.

7) Flag Emojis. Yes, some already exist, but we need more emojis that represent other countries aside from the really rich famous ones. What if you wanted to show your friend the flag of your country but then it's emoji counterpart is non-existent. Yes, they can google it, but emojis are fun, so let's share the fun to other countries.

So, those are all the emojis that I think should exist. I hope they update the emoji keyboard soon and add these emojis (and others more that you want to be on there). But that is all for now! I hope you enjoyed my little blog post about emojis.

Until Next Time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2015/01/making-new-year-better-than-last.html
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January 10, 2015

Making The New Year Better Than Last

I don't know if you noticed but we're already entering the third week of the year. Maybe you're wondering how you're going to approach 2015 without it ending up like 2014. Well, here are a few tips on how to make this year better than last.

1) Be Positive! It's always good to be positive in every situation. Start your day with a smile and happy thoughts. Even when things don't seem to be going your way, think positive! Find advantages in disadvantages. Look at the brighter side of things (yes, it's cliche but it's still true)!

2) Plan Ahead. Make a to-do list or get yourself a table calendar where you can jot down things that you plan to do. A small notebook where you can write your plans can help also. Avoid doing anything last minute! The panic and adrenaline may help you write that book report but it badly affects the quality of your work.

3) Try Something New! Go out of your comfort zone this year. Try a different dish in a restaurant or the new Starbucks drink. Read a book that isn't in your usual genre. Watch a movie that was released in the 70's. Talk to someone you don't usually talk to. It may be different but you never know. Maybe you'll find something you like in something new.

4) Be More Loving. Send more love around! Encourage that person you know is going through a rough time. Hug your parents regardless of the occasion. Appreciate your teachers and those in authority. The genuine love that you share to others will make a difference in this world full of hate.

5) Be Open Minded. Whenever you're having a discussion or debate about something, it's good to keep an open mind. People have different opinions and they all have reasons behind those opinions. Instead of judging them before they even finish their sentence, try to listen to them and understand where they're coming from. Also, having an open mind helps you be objective about things.

6) Take Care of Yourself. Go to the gym this year and start working out! Lose the weight that your body doesn't need and gain the muscle that you need. Go on a diet that'll help your body's systems. Sleep early! Eat healthy foods and avoid junk. It may be boring, painful or not your thing, but it will pay off in the long run.

There you go! Those are my tips for making 2015 better than 2014! I hope you like them and that it will help you out this year :) That is all I have for you guys for now. Have a wonderful year!

Until next time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2014/12/2015.html

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