January 16, 2015

Emojis That Should Exist

If you don't know what emojis are, you are missing out. Emojis are those little emoticons on your phone that save you the trouble of clicking the colon and the close parenthesis to say that you're smiling. Emojis exist to make texting more fun and exciting.

Some emojis are cute like the monkeys closing their eyes, ears and mouth, and then there's the shady moon emoji. But what bothers me the most is that there are emojis that don't exist, and that's what I'll be talking about today.

1) Unicorn Emoji. Why are there two dragon emojis but no unicorn emoji? What if you feel magical and you want to express it? The closest you'll get to a unicorn is typing in the number 1 and the corn emoji.

2) Potato Emoji. If french fries have their own emoji, why not its predecessor, the potato? If we didn't have potatoes, we wouldn't have french fries (or chips if you're from the UK).

3) Beyoncé Emoji. No explanation needed to be quite honest.

4) Dog Expression Emojis. If we have cat emojis that convey emotions, then why not dog emojis that do the same? I mean just think of a dog emoji with its head tilted a little (it's the cutest thing in real life).

5) Planet Emojis. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto deserve their own emojis just as much as Earth. Don't discriminate (even Pluto in spite of the fact that he's been having an identity crisis for the past few years).

6) Tongue Sticking Out But I'm Not Happy Emoji. All of the emojis that have their tongues out are happy. Not everyone's happy when they stick their tongue out.

7) Flag Emojis. Yes, some already exist, but we need more emojis that represent other countries aside from the really rich famous ones. What if you wanted to show your friend the flag of your country but then it's emoji counterpart is non-existent. Yes, they can google it, but emojis are fun, so let's share the fun to other countries.

So, those are all the emojis that I think should exist. I hope they update the emoji keyboard soon and add these emojis (and others more that you want to be on there). But that is all for now! I hope you enjoyed my little blog post about emojis.

Until Next Time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2015/01/making-new-year-better-than-last.html