January 19, 2015

Things I Suck At

I personally suck at a lot of things, and that's what we're going to talk about today.

1) Basketball. I am the worst at basketball. I can barely get the ball inside the ring. It's probably because it was never really my thing (and because I'm fat so there's that).

2) Bringing My Keys. Most of the time, I forget to bring my keys to my locker and my house, and that has brought so much stress and frustration to me. I have had situations where I need something in my locker but I forgot my keys, so I had to have my lock broken. Going home is also the worst because my dad, who usually brings me home, is in rush because he has to pick my sister up, so it really doesn't help that he has to open the gate and door for me. I should really check my bag everyday.

3) Not Laughing. Whenever I find something funny, I will laugh my heart out. There will be no stopping me. This is why it is so hard for me to keep myself from laughing when I'm not supposed to laugh. It's a real struggle for me.

4) Cleaning My Room. I am absolutely the worst at cleaning my room. I mean I clean my room but I'm not consistent with my cleaning. Sometimes, I'll fix my desk, but most of the time, I'll leave all the clutter in my room until I feel like it. I need to sort out my priorities.

There's a bunch more things that I suck at aside from those four but that's all I'll be sharing today. This post doesn't really have any "deep" meaning behind it. I guess I just wanted to share that it's okay to suck at things as long as you don't let them define who you are.

That's all I have for you guys today!!! I hope you enjoyed this one.

Until Next Time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2015/01/emojis-that-should-exist.html


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