January 10, 2015

Making The New Year Better Than Last

I don't know if you noticed but we're already entering the third week of the year. Maybe you're wondering how you're going to approach 2015 without it ending up like 2014. Well, here are a few tips on how to make this year better than last.

1) Be Positive! It's always good to be positive in every situation. Start your day with a smile and happy thoughts. Even when things don't seem to be going your way, think positive! Find advantages in disadvantages. Look at the brighter side of things (yes, it's cliche but it's still true)!

2) Plan Ahead. Make a to-do list or get yourself a table calendar where you can jot down things that you plan to do. A small notebook where you can write your plans can help also. Avoid doing anything last minute! The panic and adrenaline may help you write that book report but it badly affects the quality of your work.

3) Try Something New! Go out of your comfort zone this year. Try a different dish in a restaurant or the new Starbucks drink. Read a book that isn't in your usual genre. Watch a movie that was released in the 70's. Talk to someone you don't usually talk to. It may be different but you never know. Maybe you'll find something you like in something new.

4) Be More Loving. Send more love around! Encourage that person you know is going through a rough time. Hug your parents regardless of the occasion. Appreciate your teachers and those in authority. The genuine love that you share to others will make a difference in this world full of hate.

5) Be Open Minded. Whenever you're having a discussion or debate about something, it's good to keep an open mind. People have different opinions and they all have reasons behind those opinions. Instead of judging them before they even finish their sentence, try to listen to them and understand where they're coming from. Also, having an open mind helps you be objective about things.

6) Take Care of Yourself. Go to the gym this year and start working out! Lose the weight that your body doesn't need and gain the muscle that you need. Go on a diet that'll help your body's systems. Sleep early! Eat healthy foods and avoid junk. It may be boring, painful or not your thing, but it will pay off in the long run.

There you go! Those are my tips for making 2015 better than 2014! I hope you like them and that it will help you out this year :) That is all I have for you guys for now. Have a wonderful year!

Until next time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2014/12/2015.html


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