November 13, 2017

Book Club: Women in Literature

Back in high school, one of my favorite pastimes was reading books. I could spend hours and hours reading but since entering college, I've had to switch out reading books with reveiwing lecture notes and going over presentations. While that has put a (hopefully, temporary) stopper on my reading, it hasn't stopped me from buying books.

Over the past few months, I've accumulated books that are just waiting to be read and I think it's about time that I get back into the habit of reading. With that, I'm launching a book club here on the blog where I will be sharing all of my book recommendations, reviews, and finds with all of you.

Today's book club features four books written by women!

First on the list is Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert. This book was recommended by a friend who said it was a great book about creativity and as a photographer and a writer, I thought it would be a great read that could help inspire me and spark my creative juices.

Second on the list is Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility. I chose this book because I knew it was a classic and one that I haven't read before. Seeing it on the list of recommended books for summer book reports back in high school didn't make it that interesting to me back then, but I know Jane Austen's a spectacular author so I decided to read one of her classic works. 

Next up is Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient ExpressA couple weeks ago, I saw the trailer for the film adaptation that's being released fairly soon and it brought me back to my  high school productions of Christie's And Then There Were None and Alfred Hitchcock's Rope. I instantly knew I wanted to read the book because I absolutely loved our productions from the mystery genre and having done one of Agatha Christie's works before, I was confident Muder on the Orient Express would not disappoint.

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott takes the final spot for today's book club. To be honest, I've never heard of Alcott or her works before and I only found this book while going through the aisles of Fully Booked. The cover caught my eye so I decided to read the brief description at the back. Little Women seemed like an interesting read so I decided to pick it up and go for something I've never heard before!

Those are all the books that I'll be reading for the next couple of weeks! What books are you currently reading? Let me know in the comments below!