October 31, 2015

Quick Update

Hello everybody! Today, I just wanted to give a quick update about what's been happening in my life lately. 

I haven't posted anything in the past two weeks because of school work. The week after my last post was the week of my exams and that meant hours of studying and memorizing formula, terminologies, and theories. I also had a Physics project due on that same week, which meant more work for me to do. All went well though and praise God for that!

After exam week, the school finally began doing full run-throughs of our musicale "Home Again", which is an adaptation of "The Wiz". It's been months since I was last in a play and two years since I was in a musicale, so doing this production was very refreshing. Even though the rehearsals were long and exhausting, I am very proud of the production and everyone who worked on it. It was only through God's grace that we were able to pull off the production and I praise God for it.

It was also my birthday this past month! I turned sixteen and I was very ecstatic about it. I even did a countdown on my twitter! I didn't get a lot of material things as gifts which I am actually fine with it because my friends and family sent me heart-warming messages instead, and that to me is much more valuable than material things. I do not feel different though, but I've only been sixteen for a few days so let's just see.

The thing I'm most excited to talk about the most is actually me working out! This is not for me to show off but for me to share my progress. I have been struggling with my eating habits for a long time now, and ever since I started working out regularly, my eating habits have also gotten better. Praise God for that!

On top of that, I'm planning to do the 90 Day Challenge. The goal of the challenge is that by the end of the ninety days, you are a completely changed person because of working out regularly, eating healthily, and being positive and active. It's an ambitious challenge but there's no harm in trying it! Okay, there might be harm in trying because of all the physical activity involved, but you know what I mean.

That's all that I can really say for now. I will try my best to post regularly, but that is it for now! I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoy writing. I will back with another post soon.

Until Next Time!

Since it is the end of the month, my usual blog post would be a monthly favourites. I will still be posting my October Favourites, and I plan to have it up by next week! Stay tuned :)


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