October 16, 2018

Portraits: Revisted

The challenge to return to the essence of our craft is game-changing. Inasmuch as mastering our craft entails coming home to the fundamentals of the art we pursue with the lenses we’ve developed throughout our creative journey, the pursuit of our passion constantly calls us back to the heart behind the art. But more often than not, the creative life is discouraging. The photographs we take are hazy portraits of reality, the screen is occupied by nothing more than a blinking cursor, and the artist is uninspired and exhausted. See, artists aren't wizards who wave their hands around to instantaneously produce art. They are patient and persevering collaborators of fleeting Inspiration, constantly finding balance between passion and necessity. The creative life isn't as magical as it seems, but that's why we need to go back to the essence of our craft.

After months of mindless creation, I've found joy in creating once again. What I've realized is that humans are natural storytellers and the pursuit of the creative life may simply be our reconciliation with that part of who we are. The moments I capture in photographs and the ideas I breathe to life with words are glimpses into the life I live and the experiences I’ve had. Maybe, that’s why I love marrying the two. Photography and writing are two different expressions of the same passion — storytelling. In the busyness of our pursuit, we can easily be discouraged and lose sight of that passion. But there is no greater encouragement to keep living creatively than to remember why you’re doing it in the first place. Coming home to the heart behind my art, I find myself renewed and eager to tell stories once again.

Photography by Luis Abesamis
Modeling by Monica Horca, Troy Angeles, Paola Menguito, and Jae Kim

Collaborate with me! Send me an email at 📩 whatdoesluissay@gmail.com 📩


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