October 20, 2017

Portraits Vol. 4

Today's set of portraits features Elisa Aquino.

Ate Elisa asked me to take her photos for this project she was working on and of course, I said yes. I love taking portraits and to take the portraits of the person who inspired me to try portrait photography was a huge honor for me.

The shoot was fairly quick and easy. Ate Elisa styled herself and did her own makeup. She knew her best angles and how to model herself. She needed very little directing during the shoot. All I really had to do was take the photos. We projected her photos on a wall to get some color and drama in the shots. We played with two different photos -- one that was very dark and dramatic and another that was much more colorful but had a good contrast of light and dark colors as well.

In post-processing, I wanted to highlight the contrasts of colors and, of course, accentuate the shadows in the photographs. It was definitely fun sorting through all the photos, but these five are my favorite ones. I'm very proud with how they turned out and I was absolutely relieved when Ate Elisa told me she loved the photos.

Thanks for letting me collaborate with you on this, Ate E!

Makeup, Styling, and Modeling by Elisa Aquino
Photography and Post-processing by Luis Abesamis

For collaborations, you can contact me at: whatdoesluissay@gmail.com

Follow Ate Elisa on all of her socials!
Blog: shemakeshimknown.com
Facebook: @shemakeshimknown
Twitter: @elisabaquino
IG: @elisabaquino