April 28, 2016

Quality Over Quantity

I've always believed in the concept or philosophy of quality over quantity. Whenever work is given to me, I don't ever want to settle for mediocrity. I always say to myself: Never settle for mediocrity. I don't want to just do the work. I always want to be able to give 100% in the work that I do, but there are days though where I do settle for mediocrity and I feel horrible when I do. It's just something that I can't do. It's most definitely a struggle for me especially here on this blog.

Working on this blog has definitely proven how much of a struggle living out "quality over quantity" is. I've been blogging for over a year now and it's one of the best things that I've done in my life. I have this little space on the internet where I can happily write about certain topics, share my thoughts, put my creativity to work. I always say that this blog is a privilege and not an obligation, but there are days where I completely forget that and so I go for quantity over quality.

When I'm not able to post on this blog for more than a week, I get frustrated with myself. I feel horrible because I think to myself that I should've posted that past week. In desperation, I would look around my room and search the interwebs for inspiration hoping to find something to write about. I would really stress out about this and it would frustrate me on so many levels.

If I found something to write about that isn't really something I'm 100% about, I would try to convince myself that what I found was okay and that I should just write about it so that I have something to post. It came to a point where I wanted to post something each week because I thought I should post something each week. I became more concerned with how many posts were up on this blog rather than how was the quality of each post that I put up that I put up. It's been a struggle and I've been trying to overcome this struggle for awhile now.

I would write all the ideas that I'd have and work on a structure for all of them (quantity). If I was really happy with an idea, I'd go with it and the ones I wasn't really happy with, I'd set aside for me to improve on for another day (quality). If I ever feel while writing that I just chose to write that post at the expense of quality, I would stop writing for awhile to just step back and reevaluate. 

I think it's important to reevaluate ourselves once in awhile. It's an opportunity for us to gain a brand new perspective or, in my case, regain perspective on certain things which is good especially for writing. You can write so much and yet have no direction (which I feel like is this post but I'm hoping it isn't). Remembering that my blog is a privilege and not an obligation and why I started this blog in the first place is the most effective method for me to get back to writing with the right (pun intended) mindset.

It's easy to settle for mediocrity and prioritize quantity over quality nowadays especially in school and at work. The temptation to just do the work for the sake of just doing it is really strong. If you ever find yourself settling for mediocrity and prioritizing quantity over quality, take a step back and reevaluate yourself. Objectively think about why you're doing whatever you were doing. Check if you've been giving a 100% or not. Take a break from whatever you're working on because it might be tiring you out too, but don't forget to work on it again. Voluntarily taking a step back now can prevent you from unknowingly taking several steps back in the future.


I don't think I've posted something like this in awhile and I'm really happy with it. Even as I was writing this post, I reminded myself from time to time that this is all a privilege and not an obligation. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. There'll be more to come soon, but that's all for now!

Until Next Time!
~ Luis ~


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