April 22, 2015

Things People Need

There are a lot of things in this world that people need. Food. Shelter. Education. The list goes on and on. Today, I won't be talking about the usual material possessions that people usually think of when asked the question: what do people need? Today, I will be answering that question with a sentence rather than a one-word answer like food or a home. It's easier to show and to explain so here we go.

1) People Need To Be More Loving.
This is very important. The world we live in is full of so much hate and negativity that it's hard to find someone genuinely loving. Don't let that discourage you from becoming a loving person. Be that light in the dark that people will look to. The world needs more loving people and hopefully, you turn out to be one of them.

2) People Need To Love Themselves More.
This sort of goes with the previous one. It's important to love others and be kind and compassionate, but it's also important to love ourselves. I'm not encouraging you to be selfish and greedy. No. I'm encouraging you to take care of yourself. Sleep early. Eat properly. Laugh. Do what you love. I'm encouraging you to make sure that you don't neglect yourself and be ignorant of your body's limits.

3) People Need To Understand That Another Person Doesn't Complete Them.
Okay. People need to understand that the person that they are in a relationship with does not make them a complete human being. I don't think you were only half of you before you met your person. People need to understand this because not all relationships work out. In the case that their relationship doesn't work out, they will lose it. They will feel empty and alone. No. Other people don't complete you. You don't need another person to define the other half of you.

4) People Need To Know That It's Okay To Make Mistakes.
This is another important thing people need to know. We're only humans. We aren't perfect. That's why we make mistakes and that's okay. Why? Mistakes and failures are opportunities for learning. They teach us what we can improve on. They let us know what we should and shouldn't do. They tell us more about ourselves and where we are right now. Just make sure that when you make a mistake, learn from it and try as much as possible to avoid making the same mistake.

5) People Need To Be More Sensitive.
This speak to me very much. There have been a couple of times where I said something and it offended people. This made me realise that we need to be more sensitive with our actions, words and even our thoughts. It made me realise that most of our interactions with other people only show a glimpse of who they truly are and part of that is what they are going through or went through. This goes hand-in-hand with number one, which is be more loving. When you have genuine love in you, you intend to harm no one which entails being sensitive to others - how they feel, what they think, who they are, what they're going through, etc. There have been instances where people used derogatory terms against other people as a joke or as an insult, and that is not acceptable.

6) People Need To Be More Open Minded.
People are different. Each person is unique. So are their opinions. Their opinions, although the same (e.g. two people think cats are better than dogs), may have been brought about by different situations or ideas and principles (one was traumatised by dogs and the other just loves cats more than dogs). Knowing that, we should keep an open mind about things especially when discussing beliefs and ideas with other people. It's not necessarily accepting what they think is true. It's more of respecting others by listening to what they have to say.

Well, that is all that I personally think people need as of now. If I think of anything else, I'll make a part two of this post. I don't necessarily think that this applies to everyone so if it doesn't apply to you then maybe this is just a reminder or an encouragement. If this does apply to you, don't be discouraged that you haven't been doing these things. Everyone needs time for them to realise stuff. The things I mentioned apply to me too and it took me awhile before I realised that I needed these things. Hopefully, you'll figure something out and that you'll eventually be the change that you want to see. That is all I have for you today! I hope you guys enjoyed.

Until Next Time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2015/04/pet-peeves.html

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April 19, 2015

Pet Peeves

Today, I will be talking about my pet peeves.

If you don't know what a pet peeve is, a pet peeve is something that extremely annoys someone usually more than it does others. There are lot of things that can be someone's pet peeve and it's different for everyone. Someone can have eating popcorn outside the movie theatre as their pet peeve but for others, it's nothing. It all depends on the person. With that said, here are my pet peeves.

Entering rooms without knocking.
I have absolutely no idea how people can just enter rooms without knocking first. First of all, it's rude. Regardless if someone's inside or not, you should knock on the door because you don't know if someone's inside or not. Second of all, it's rude. It's not that the person inside the room is hiding anything. It's simply just rude. It's like watching a kid chase a bubble and then popping the bubble instead of letting the child play. It's rude.

Leaving the door open.
There is absolutely nothing more infuriating to me than people entering the room and then leaving the room and not closing the door. What's even more frustrating is them closing the door but not shutting the door. What's even more annoying is when they get mad when you get mad. Seriously? Seriously?

That one person in the group.
We all know who I'm talking about. It's always that one person. I can honestly say without a doubt in my heart that everyone has encountered this person in their life. Sadly, person is so common in this planet. This person has no many sub-types and I will list down all the types that I've encountered or know of.

1) Doesn't help at all.
2) Does work but the work is wrong.
3) Helps but makes everything worse.
4) Helps then leaves after 5 minutes.
5) Doesn't do the right thing and then cries when you tell them that they didn't do it right.
6) Gets mad at you for telling them that their work is not right even if it really isn't right.
7) Has no idea what is happening or what to do.
8) Does so little but gets mad when results don't come as expected.
9) Says they'll do it but don't.

Please don't be that person. No one appreciates it. No one.

Cake Slicing
What do I mean by that? Cakes that aren't symmetrically sliced get to me. I cannot stand it. If there is a cake in my refrigerator that is asymmetrically sliced, I will slice it until it's symmetrical. However, there is something much more infuriating to me. People who take their forks, get a small piece of the cake and then puts the cake back. Literally cannot stand it. Is it so hard to evenly slice a cake with a knife? I cannot even anymore. 

Well, that's all I'll be sharing to you guys. I don't want to spread anymore negativity because there's too much of that in this world already. I am generally a very positive person but sometimes, things just seem to piss me off so hard. I hope you all enjoyed reading this post. That is all I have for you guys today.

Until Next Time!

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April 15, 2015

Things I Thought As A Kid

I got this idea from Jenna Marbles, the queen of Youtube, so thanks Jenna.

Basically, there are things that we as kids thought were true or real and today, I will be discussing those things. Get ready because I'm about to be the silliest (and hopefully the most relatable) person on the planet.

When I was a kid, I used to think there were small elephants inside the car that was responsible for the sound produced by the horn. Sometimes, when I'd hear a different kind of honk that the horn produces, I would think it was a goose or a goat. I don't even know where I got that idea.

When I was a kid, I used to think that the sun and the moon would follow me especially on car rides. I would always look up at the sky and try to look at sun (because you aren't supposed to do that - that's actually true) or the moon and would always say to my parents: Look! The sun/moon is following me.

When I was a kid, I used to think digestion was organized. What do I mean by that? I used to think that if you ate spaghetti first and then chicken afterwards, you'd poop out spaghetti first and then chicken. I can't even right now. Why did I even think of that? Digestion isn't a "first come, first served" system. My science-y friends must be laughing at me right now.

When I was a kid, I didn't believe that Indigo was part of the colours of the rainbow. It was never part of Barney's song, which to me meant that it wasn't true. That's why when I encountered the question - what are the colours of the rainbow? - in school, I struggled so much. Since when was ROYGBIV a thing? Someone please explain that to my four-year-old self.

I'm trying to think of more things that I thought as a kid but that is all I have for you guys today! I hope you all enjoyed reading this post. If ever I remember more of these things, then I'll make a part two of this post! It was a very chill one compared to my serious posts. I also hope you all still think I'm a decent person. I know better now.

Until Next Time!

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April 6, 2015

March Favourites

The month of March is coming to a close and it is the time of the month when I share to you what I have been loving from the past month. Hope you enjoy!

~ Disclaimer: I am not paid to advertise the things that I mention below. I also am not affiliated with the companies that I mention below. ~

Every year, I try my best to watch all the Best Picture nominated films, and Whiplash was one of them. I can definitely say that this movie has changed me. I watched this around the first week of March and until now, I still cannot get over it. I can't even listen to music the same way anymore because of this movie. Whenever I see a drum set, all I can think of is J.K. Simmons screaming at Miles Teller. J.K. Simmons's performance is fantastic in this one. The drum solos are amazing. You should watch it (do note though that there are a lot of cursing in this film).

Theory of Everything
Another Best Picture nominee is the Theory of Everything. The film is about the life of respected theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, who is portrayed by Eddie Redmayne in the movie. To be quite honest, this film made me a bit emotional. If I was not able to control myself, I would've probably cried while watching the film. Eddie Redmayne's performance is extraordinary. He delivers in every scene regardless if he is speaking or not. It amazes me how people can communicate really well through the small actions that they do. I really enjoyed watching this movie and I hope you check it out soon.

"Lay Me Down" by Sam Smith ft. John Legend
There are a lot of things that I love about this song. First of all, the lyrics are amazing. Second of all, it's Sam Smith. His vocals are on point as usual. Third of all, John Legend slays here. He brings a new feel to the song with his vocals and style. The way he and Sam Smith sings together is amazing. Lastly, this collaboration was for Comic Relief, which is a charity in the UK. I really appreciate the effort that people make to help others. 

I went with my friend to take photos of our other friends for her blog (link is below) and we went to Larcy's to take a break. The café did not disappoint. The cupcakes are good. The pesto pasta is great. Their paninis are amazing. The prices are pretty reasonable too. If you find Larcy's wherever you go and you need a place to eat, you should definitely try Larcy's out.

Starbucks's Tazo Iced Tea
After the photoshoot, my friends and I went to Starbucks to get a drink. I couldn't have coffee because of my acid (which is extremely sad) so I tried the Tazo Iced Tea. It does not disappoint. It's not the usual iced tea that is extremely sweet. It's just right. I think it's made from some sort of fruit that I don't know of. Yes, iced tea is also bad for my acid but it was the lesser evil between the two and I needed a really nice drink that wasn't water.

"The Flash" by CW
I know I talked about this already last month but I am still loving the show. The show is so addicting. Not only does it focus on one of DC's biggest heroes, but it also showcases other superheroes in the DC universe that aren't necessarily as famous as the founding members of the Justice League. The plot is probably the best thing about it. It's not the kind of superhero show that has a different story per episode. The Flash has adventures per episode but they're all part of one big plan, and I think that's what makes this show addicting and exciting. I really recommend this show to you guys! 

Glee Series Finale
Yes, Glee isn't the best show in the world because of a lot of reasons but that didn't stop me from watching its series finale. It started with how it all began and ended with what happened years after the Glee club's success. I just thought that they ended it pretty well and that it was well written by the series creators. If you watch Glee or used to watch Glee, you don't want to miss this episode.

Smoked Salmon with Capers Sandwich
I was at a hotel this past month and got hungry so I tried this sandwich at their bakery. I didn't really expect to like it because it was a bit fancy, and sometimes fancy stuff don't really appeal to everyone's taste buds. It was also pretty huge so I was a bit skeptical about it. I am so happy that I bought it because it did not disappoint. It is delicious. I cannot even comprehend its taste because it was good. Although a bit expensive, it was definitely worth it considering the size of the sandwich, the ingredients, the bakery I got it from and the quality.

Hakaw//Hacao (Shrimp Dumpling)
No words can express how much I love shrimp dumplings. I cannot even. It is, without a doubt, my favourite Chinese dish. I have had a lot of shrimp dumplings in the past month. The simplicity of the dish really gets to me. Steamed shrimp inside a dumpling wrapper. In spite of it being so simple, the taste it brings is amazing. I just really like this dish. If you have not yet tried it yet, I really recommend it. It does not disappoint!

That is all that I have been loving for the month of March. I will be leaving links down below to some of my favourites so that you can check them out later. Thank you for taking time to read this. I really appreciate it! I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. That is all I have for you guys today!

Until Next Time!

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