April 15, 2015

Things I Thought As A Kid

I got this idea from Jenna Marbles, the queen of Youtube, so thanks Jenna.

Basically, there are things that we as kids thought were true or real and today, I will be discussing those things. Get ready because I'm about to be the silliest (and hopefully the most relatable) person on the planet.

When I was a kid, I used to think there were small elephants inside the car that was responsible for the sound produced by the horn. Sometimes, when I'd hear a different kind of honk that the horn produces, I would think it was a goose or a goat. I don't even know where I got that idea.

When I was a kid, I used to think that the sun and the moon would follow me especially on car rides. I would always look up at the sky and try to look at sun (because you aren't supposed to do that - that's actually true) or the moon and would always say to my parents: Look! The sun/moon is following me.

When I was a kid, I used to think digestion was organized. What do I mean by that? I used to think that if you ate spaghetti first and then chicken afterwards, you'd poop out spaghetti first and then chicken. I can't even right now. Why did I even think of that? Digestion isn't a "first come, first served" system. My science-y friends must be laughing at me right now.

When I was a kid, I didn't believe that Indigo was part of the colours of the rainbow. It was never part of Barney's song, which to me meant that it wasn't true. That's why when I encountered the question - what are the colours of the rainbow? - in school, I struggled so much. Since when was ROYGBIV a thing? Someone please explain that to my four-year-old self.

I'm trying to think of more things that I thought as a kid but that is all I have for you guys today! I hope you all enjoyed reading this post. If ever I remember more of these things, then I'll make a part two of this post! It was a very chill one compared to my serious posts. I also hope you all still think I'm a decent person. I know better now.

Until Next Time!


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