April 19, 2015

Pet Peeves

Today, I will be talking about my pet peeves.

If you don't know what a pet peeve is, a pet peeve is something that extremely annoys someone usually more than it does others. There are lot of things that can be someone's pet peeve and it's different for everyone. Someone can have eating popcorn outside the movie theatre as their pet peeve but for others, it's nothing. It all depends on the person. With that said, here are my pet peeves.

Entering rooms without knocking.
I have absolutely no idea how people can just enter rooms without knocking first. First of all, it's rude. Regardless if someone's inside or not, you should knock on the door because you don't know if someone's inside or not. Second of all, it's rude. It's not that the person inside the room is hiding anything. It's simply just rude. It's like watching a kid chase a bubble and then popping the bubble instead of letting the child play. It's rude.

Leaving the door open.
There is absolutely nothing more infuriating to me than people entering the room and then leaving the room and not closing the door. What's even more frustrating is them closing the door but not shutting the door. What's even more annoying is when they get mad when you get mad. Seriously? Seriously?

That one person in the group.
We all know who I'm talking about. It's always that one person. I can honestly say without a doubt in my heart that everyone has encountered this person in their life. Sadly, person is so common in this planet. This person has no many sub-types and I will list down all the types that I've encountered or know of.

1) Doesn't help at all.
2) Does work but the work is wrong.
3) Helps but makes everything worse.
4) Helps then leaves after 5 minutes.
5) Doesn't do the right thing and then cries when you tell them that they didn't do it right.
6) Gets mad at you for telling them that their work is not right even if it really isn't right.
7) Has no idea what is happening or what to do.
8) Does so little but gets mad when results don't come as expected.
9) Says they'll do it but don't.

Please don't be that person. No one appreciates it. No one.

Cake Slicing
What do I mean by that? Cakes that aren't symmetrically sliced get to me. I cannot stand it. If there is a cake in my refrigerator that is asymmetrically sliced, I will slice it until it's symmetrical. However, there is something much more infuriating to me. People who take their forks, get a small piece of the cake and then puts the cake back. Literally cannot stand it. Is it so hard to evenly slice a cake with a knife? I cannot even anymore. 

Well, that's all I'll be sharing to you guys. I don't want to spread anymore negativity because there's too much of that in this world already. I am generally a very positive person but sometimes, things just seem to piss me off so hard. I hope you all enjoyed reading this post. That is all I have for you guys today.

Until Next Time!


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