January 31, 2017

Ayala Triangle Lights

A few days after the new year , my family and I went to watch the Ayala Triangle Lights show. I had a vague idea of what to expect as I've heard and seen reviews and photos of the show before. Initially, I was hesitant to bring my camera along with me to the show. I wasn't really feeling it that day, but I brought it anyway.

The show plays every thirty minutes starting from 6 pm until 10 pm. We caught the 9 and 9:30 pm shows and it was the perfect time to watch. So much people came to watch the show. The (leftover) Christmas spirit was overflowing at the Ayala Triangle Gardens. Add in the Christmas playlist full of classics, the scene was set for the show.

9 o'clock came and all the lights went off. The fog machines turned on and the music started to play. The lights began to flicker and dance. The colors changed from blue to green to white to red to purple. The orchestration of the lights followed the arrangement of the song. It was as if the song and the lights were in sync. Mobile devices shot up in the air, their owners trying to record as much of the show as they could. Families and couples took selfies with the light-covered trees as their background. Everyone was happy.

My heart was full of joy when we left the gardens. The Christmas spirit in the crowd really lifted my spirits. Editing the photos from that day reminded of how happy everything was then. The children in awe of the lights and their parents smiling at their kids. The couples spending time together watching the show. The passersby seeing so much color brighten up their evenings. I'm grateful I brought my camera that day. The show was a delight, no doubt about that, but the true sight that evening was the happiness in the air.

Previous Post: Staying Inspired


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