April 1, 2018

The Manila Adventures: Seaside Dampa

Welcome to The Manila Adventures!

Manila is diverse in its culture and history and I have been planning for awhile now on going on an adventure with the sole mission of discovering and truly experiencing the place I call home. Today, I share the first entry of this series.

Last week, my family and I went on a quick trip to the famous Seaside Dampa. At whatever time of the day, Seaside Dampa is alive bustling with customers waiting to get a taste of the fresh seafood available at the wet market within its premises. From the market straight to the kitchen, the seafood is  served by restaurants that serve seafood in a variety of ways. If you're looking for a place that serves amazing seafood, Seaside Dampa is the place to go!

Here are a couple of photographs I took during my quick trip there.


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