September 25, 2015

Things People Need Two

Hello everyone! After three months of being on hiatus, I am finally returning to blogging! While I have been able to write a couple things from time to time, they have mostly been academic papers and book reports. I have so much planned for this blog, and I am so happy that I can finally start on some of my plans. While I was on my hiatus, I have learned and discovered a lot of things, and I am very much excited to share these all to you!

Today, I will be doing something that I have actually already done before. As you have probably read on the title, I am doing a "Things People Need" post again. I wrote the first one last April and it is honestly one of my favourite posts. Since then, I have found more things to add onto the list of things that people need.

Much like the first post, this post will be answering the question: what do people need? Instead of answering that question with the usual answers such as clothes or food, I will be answering the question with sentences. It's difficult to explain the concept, so I'll just show you!

1) People Need To Understand That Things Change.
Oftentimes, we go through life with a clear idea of what we want to happen. We have everything planned out, and just thinking about life not going according to your plan scares you. When life does not go according to your plan, you get frustrated and angry at everything and anything. It's important that people understand that things change. Your close friend now might not be your close friend anymore. Your plans to migrate to another country might not be your plan anymore in two years time. Your job right now might not be your job in a few months time. Things change, and understanding that prepares us for those changes.

Now, it's also important to note that God does not change. He is constant throughout time. His Word is just as true today as it was yesterday. Through all these changes, He remains the same. God brings changes in our lives and also allows changes to come into our life for several reasons. Some of these reasons are: to refine us, to protect us from danger, and to bless us. All of these reasons come together for the sole purpose of glorifying God. We may not see the good in the change that happens to us, but God is working in our lives and we should remember that He is faithful and merciful.

2) People Need To Learn To Value What They Have.
It is a sad truth that we only find the true value of things once they have already changed or gone. Yes, we can say that we know the value of something right now, but once that something goes away, is that not when we truly discover what that something meant to us? It is important that people learn to value what they have right now. Learning to value what we have right now allows for us to appreciate what God has so graciously given to us. Value the friendships that you have. Value the education that you have. Value the time that you have. Don't wait for these things to go away before you value them.

3) People Need To Be More Careful With Their Jokes.
It concerns me a lot how people can easily make jokes that relates to suicide, mental health, eating disorders, skin colour, and gender. No matter how many times you say that it is just a joke, that will not compare to the amount of hurt that you have caused to a person. Growing up, you might have thought that it was alright to call someone out for having a different skin colour or being fat. Well, I am telling you right now that it is not. I am not exempted from this. I have made hurtful jokes before and I have seen the effects of what I have done. Don't wait until someone gets hurt before you start being conscious of what you say.

4) People Need To Rest.
Not a lot of people get to rest anymore for several reasons. Work. School. Responsibilities. Chores. Whatever the reason may be, people lack rest. While it's important to fulfil our duties, it's also important to rest properly. I am not saying that we should give up our responsibilities because we need to rest. No. All I am saying is that we should not let go of something good just because we want to work on something else that is good. There should be a balance between rest and work. Putting one over the other will not benefit you in any way. Your body needs time to recover from the day's work. You deserve to rest, so rest!

Those are the four things that I thought needed to be added to the list of "Things People Need". I hope that I was able to enlighten you on a few things. I know that these do not necessarily apply to all of you, but I hope that you still took time to reflect and reevaluate yourselves. Writing this was also a time of reflection, and I hope that reading this was also a time of reflection for yourself.

Thank you for taking the time to read through my lengthy post. I appreciate it very much! I hope you enjoyed reading my post as much as I enjoy writing. Links to my previous posts will be below. Feel free to check them out!

Until Next Time!

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