April 22, 2015

Things People Need

There are a lot of things in this world that people need. Food. Shelter. Education. The list goes on and on. Today, I won't be talking about the usual material possessions that people usually think of when asked the question: what do people need? Today, I will be answering that question with a sentence rather than a one-word answer like food or a home. It's easier to show and to explain so here we go.

1) People Need To Be More Loving.
This is very important. The world we live in is full of so much hate and negativity that it's hard to find someone genuinely loving. Don't let that discourage you from becoming a loving person. Be that light in the dark that people will look to. The world needs more loving people and hopefully, you turn out to be one of them.

2) People Need To Love Themselves More.
This sort of goes with the previous one. It's important to love others and be kind and compassionate, but it's also important to love ourselves. I'm not encouraging you to be selfish and greedy. No. I'm encouraging you to take care of yourself. Sleep early. Eat properly. Laugh. Do what you love. I'm encouraging you to make sure that you don't neglect yourself and be ignorant of your body's limits.

3) People Need To Understand That Another Person Doesn't Complete Them.
Okay. People need to understand that the person that they are in a relationship with does not make them a complete human being. I don't think you were only half of you before you met your person. People need to understand this because not all relationships work out. In the case that their relationship doesn't work out, they will lose it. They will feel empty and alone. No. Other people don't complete you. You don't need another person to define the other half of you.

4) People Need To Know That It's Okay To Make Mistakes.
This is another important thing people need to know. We're only humans. We aren't perfect. That's why we make mistakes and that's okay. Why? Mistakes and failures are opportunities for learning. They teach us what we can improve on. They let us know what we should and shouldn't do. They tell us more about ourselves and where we are right now. Just make sure that when you make a mistake, learn from it and try as much as possible to avoid making the same mistake.

5) People Need To Be More Sensitive.
This speak to me very much. There have been a couple of times where I said something and it offended people. This made me realise that we need to be more sensitive with our actions, words and even our thoughts. It made me realise that most of our interactions with other people only show a glimpse of who they truly are and part of that is what they are going through or went through. This goes hand-in-hand with number one, which is be more loving. When you have genuine love in you, you intend to harm no one which entails being sensitive to others - how they feel, what they think, who they are, what they're going through, etc. There have been instances where people used derogatory terms against other people as a joke or as an insult, and that is not acceptable.

6) People Need To Be More Open Minded.
People are different. Each person is unique. So are their opinions. Their opinions, although the same (e.g. two people think cats are better than dogs), may have been brought about by different situations or ideas and principles (one was traumatised by dogs and the other just loves cats more than dogs). Knowing that, we should keep an open mind about things especially when discussing beliefs and ideas with other people. It's not necessarily accepting what they think is true. It's more of respecting others by listening to what they have to say.

Well, that is all that I personally think people need as of now. If I think of anything else, I'll make a part two of this post. I don't necessarily think that this applies to everyone so if it doesn't apply to you then maybe this is just a reminder or an encouragement. If this does apply to you, don't be discouraged that you haven't been doing these things. Everyone needs time for them to realise stuff. The things I mentioned apply to me too and it took me awhile before I realised that I needed these things. Hopefully, you'll figure something out and that you'll eventually be the change that you want to see. That is all I have for you today! I hope you guys enjoyed.

Until Next Time!

Previous Post: http://whatdoesluissay.blogspot.com/2015/04/pet-peeves.html


  1. Hi Luis! I love reading through your blog <3 so much heart in your content :)

    1. Aaaaah!! Ate Beans!! hahaha thank you so much :D I appreciate it so much :)) Your blog is one of my inspirations hehehe
