February 28, 2015


Today's blog post is about polaroid cameras.

If you don't know what a polaroid camera is, it's basically a camera that prints out the picture after you take it. I'm sure there's someone out there who can give you a much better idea of how it works but we don't really need that for this post.

Last Christmas, my parents got me a polaroid camera. I was really happy because I've always wanted one. I remember when I was a kid, we had a polaroid camera that looked like the cameras that we  now consider vintage and Tumblr-y. I was always fascinated with it because it could produce a physical copy of the photo that you just took.

The polaroid that I have isn't as vintage looking as our old one, but it works just the same. You take the photo and the camera prints it. I've always been amazed with the idea that you can actually have a physical copy of a photo with you especially in this time of selflies. Yes, you can take your digital photos and have them printed, but having the photos printed with the camera as soon you take the photo is just something different.

Just like any other camera, a polaroid can be used to take a photo of anything. You can take a photo of you and someone else. You can take a photo of flowers. You can take a photo of animals. You can take a photo of your food. You can take a photo of anything you want. It's all up to you because you capture the moment.

Capturing the moment. Yes, you should live in the moment and enjoy it, but capturing it isn't such a bad thing either. Isn't that why movies and TV shows work well? Filmmakers simulate situations, capture them on camera and share them to the rest of the world.

I guess that's why I really love polaroid cameras. You're able to capture the moment and produce a physical copy of it as soon as you take the photo. So, if you're interested in getting a polaroid camera for yourself, I do encourage you to do so. You will not regret it!

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. That is all I have for you guys today!

Until Next Time!
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February 22, 2015

Dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Having panic and anxiety attacks are the worst. Based on personal experience, these attacks are extremely exhausting. The physical and emotional stress that panic and anxiety attacks bring is too much to handle at times. That's why I will be discussing my personal tips on how to deal with panic and anxiety attacks. 

It's very difficult to breathe properly when you're having an attack because your body is quickly adjusting to the situation you're in. Breathe in and breath out. The more you do that, the easier it will be for your body to calm itself down. 

Take your time.
Take time to do what exactly? Breathe. Relax. Calm yourself down. Pressuring yourself to calm down does not help. It only adds to your panic. Your body needs time to process and adjust to the situation that you're in. If this means taking a break from whatever you were doing, then take that break. Your health matters.

Be positive.
It may seem so cliché and everything, but it works.  Positivity counters panic and anxiety in a really interesting way. Positivity turns things around. When you think you aren’t going to make it to your meeting or class, be positive. If you think you wont finish your project on time (hopefully not because you procrastinated), be positive. Being positive can help prevent a panic or anxiety attack from happening.

Drink water.
It's important that you drink water when you get an attack. These attacks cause so much physical and emotional stress to the point of tears. Hydrate yourself. But it's also important to note that you shouldn't drink a whole glass of water at once. Take your time. Do it little by little. We don't want you chocking on your water.

Tell someone you can trust.
When you get a panic or anxiety attack, go to someone you can trust. Why? It's important that someone is there with you when you're having an attack because these attacks can get complicated. But why someone you can trust? Because these attacks make you vulnerable and exhausted. You'll need someone who can share to what happened. Someone who will be there for you while you're recovering from the attack.

Talk to God.
Whenever I get a panic attack, the first thing I do is talk to God. I go to prayer mode automatically. I tell Him what’s happening (even if He knows) and ask for help. Talking to God has never failed to help me whenever I get a panic or anxiety attack. Knowing He’s there and that He’s listening brings me comfort. I know this might not apply to some of you because of your personal reasons but this post is about how I deal with my anxiety and panic attacks which is why God is in my post.

This was a very heavy topic for me to write about, but I hope you enjoyed reading it and that you learned a few things. If you experience panic or anxiety attacks, I hope you remember this and that it helps you. If you know someone who experiences these attacks, I hope you can help them remember this. That is all I have for you guys today. I will be back with another post soon.

Until Next Time!

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February 16, 2015


Today's blog post is about the one and only Stevie Wonder. 

If you don't know who he is, I do not know where you have been. Stevie Wonder is such an iconic man. Throughout his entire career, he has won 25 Grammy Awards, an Academy Award, and a bunch of other awards. But it's not the number of awards that makes him a legend. It's what won Stevie these awards that makes him a legend.

First and foremost, Stevie is an amazing singer. His vocals are always on point. The mix of jazz, soul, R&B, funk and pop heard in his voice brings people to musical heaven. Even at the age of 64, Stevie Wonder can still hit those notes effortlessly.

Secondly, Stevie is an very talented instrumentalist. The keys and the harmonica are his main instruments but he can also play the congas, bongos and other instruments. What's more is that Stevie was born blind, which would normally make the learning an instrument difficult, but that wasn't the case for him. Ever since he was a child, Stevie has loved music. He didn't allow his blindness defeat him. He pursued a career in music and look at him now. A legend in the music industry.

Lastly, Stevie is a positive person. He's always happy and smiling. This positive energy is translated into his music and performances. When he plays the piano, he sways and sings his heart out. He continues to spread to the world the positivity that the world needs through his music. We need more people like Stevie.

Stevie Wonder has influenced me more than any other performer. I can't wait for some artist to not necessarily be the same as Stevie, but to be the same kind of artist as Stevie. A skilled and passionate artist who uses his or her talents to bring happiness to the world.

That is all I have for you guys today! I hope you enjoyed this blog post as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Until Next Time!
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