February 22, 2015

Dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Having panic and anxiety attacks are the worst. Based on personal experience, these attacks are extremely exhausting. The physical and emotional stress that panic and anxiety attacks bring is too much to handle at times. That's why I will be discussing my personal tips on how to deal with panic and anxiety attacks. 

It's very difficult to breathe properly when you're having an attack because your body is quickly adjusting to the situation you're in. Breathe in and breath out. The more you do that, the easier it will be for your body to calm itself down. 

Take your time.
Take time to do what exactly? Breathe. Relax. Calm yourself down. Pressuring yourself to calm down does not help. It only adds to your panic. Your body needs time to process and adjust to the situation that you're in. If this means taking a break from whatever you were doing, then take that break. Your health matters.

Be positive.
It may seem so cliché and everything, but it works.  Positivity counters panic and anxiety in a really interesting way. Positivity turns things around. When you think you aren’t going to make it to your meeting or class, be positive. If you think you wont finish your project on time (hopefully not because you procrastinated), be positive. Being positive can help prevent a panic or anxiety attack from happening.

Drink water.
It's important that you drink water when you get an attack. These attacks cause so much physical and emotional stress to the point of tears. Hydrate yourself. But it's also important to note that you shouldn't drink a whole glass of water at once. Take your time. Do it little by little. We don't want you chocking on your water.

Tell someone you can trust.
When you get a panic or anxiety attack, go to someone you can trust. Why? It's important that someone is there with you when you're having an attack because these attacks can get complicated. But why someone you can trust? Because these attacks make you vulnerable and exhausted. You'll need someone who can share to what happened. Someone who will be there for you while you're recovering from the attack.

Talk to God.
Whenever I get a panic attack, the first thing I do is talk to God. I go to prayer mode automatically. I tell Him what’s happening (even if He knows) and ask for help. Talking to God has never failed to help me whenever I get a panic or anxiety attack. Knowing He’s there and that He’s listening brings me comfort. I know this might not apply to some of you because of your personal reasons but this post is about how I deal with my anxiety and panic attacks which is why God is in my post.

This was a very heavy topic for me to write about, but I hope you enjoyed reading it and that you learned a few things. If you experience panic or anxiety attacks, I hope you remember this and that it helps you. If you know someone who experiences these attacks, I hope you can help them remember this. That is all I have for you guys today. I will be back with another post soon.

Until Next Time!


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