November 19, 2015

One Year of Blogging

As I was going through my old posts the other day, I saw that my first post, since relaunching my blog, was published more than a year ago. That means that I have actually been blogging for more than one year already!

Blogging has been an exciting hobby for me to do, and I really enjoy doing it. I've learned a lot since starting this little blog of mine. I initially started this blog because I was inspired by my favourite Youtubers and I wanted to try my hand at writing. I wrote my first blog post "The Year-long Hiatus" and once I finished it, I moved my cursor over the "Publish" button. I suddenly found myself hesitating to click the button. I consulted two of my close friends about it, and after a lot of encouragement, I clicked the "Publish" button.

It was a nerve-wracking feeling to be quite honest. I didn't know how the people would react and how they would find my writing, but soon after I realized that I shouldn't let that get the best of me. I continued to write, and one year later, I find myself very satisfied with the progress that I've made. Imagine if I had let that fear and doubt get the best of me. I probably wouldn't be writing this celebratory blog post for reaching one year of blogging.

This blog has been a huge blessing to me, and I hope it has also been a blessing to you, my reader! If there's one thing that I want you to take from this entire post, it's that I don't regret starting this blog. In fact, it's one the best decisions I've ever made.

To those who want to start their own blog, go ahead and give it a try! You never know. Maybe it's something for you. There's no harm in trying! To you, my readers, thank you for taking the time to read my posts. I appreciate you very much! To Chloe and Mayumi, thank you for encouraging me to press the "Publish" button. To me, thank you for actually pressing the "Publish" button. I'm proud of how far you've come! That was really meta, but I just had to thank myself.

I have so much planned for this blog but that's all I have for you today! I'll see you soon.

Until Next Time!

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