May 17, 2015


I want you think about how you treat other people. Do you treat others with love? Do you treat others with care? Do you treat others with hate? Do you treat others with contempt? I guess it's time to reevaluate ourselves. For this post, I'm going to be using potatoes and how we treat potatoes.

There are many different kinds of potatoes. Let's try to name some. Baked. Mashed. Sweet. Chips. Wedges. Fries. Balls. Couch. That's all I could think of but I think that's enough for this post. Think of those kinds of potatoes that I just mentioned. Now, let's try to associate them to people.

First of all, there's the Baked Potato. Potatoes are pretty dang hard and in order to get a good baked potato, you have to bake it for a very long time. Fifteen minutes? Twenty minutes? Forty minutes? Nope. According to online recipes, you have to heat a potato in an oven for at least an hour in order to get good results (which is ideally a soft [but not too soft to the point of crumbling] potato). 

When we meet new people, it's hard to interact with them regardless if you're good at making friends or not. A part of the difficulty of meeting new people is that we don't really know them that much. Unfortunately, we make assumptions about them already. More often that not, the assumptions are based on their looks. Adding in the potato concept, these people are baked potatoes. They maybe hard to interact with (eat) at the moment because we don't know them yet but give them some time (preferably an hour or more) and they just might be ready to open up and be friends.

Secondly, we have the Mashed Potato. In order to achieve a great mashed potato, you need a lot of persevering. Generally, it's pretty easy to make mashed potato. Boil the potatoes until they're tender. Mash them. Mix in some butter, herbs and seasoning. That's basically it and we're pretty happy with that. Satisfied to be quite honest.

When life doesn't seem to be on your side and everything's going wrong, how do we respond? Do we look at all the bad things that is happening or has happened or do we look at the good things that have or might come out of the situation? There are many times when we face trials we tend to give up (that's the boiling part). When more situations come in (butter, herbs and seasoning), we feel like it's the end of the world, but we fail to see what God's doing in our lives. He's turning into you into a beautiful mashed potato. Mashed potatoes are good and that's what God wants to happen to you. He wants good things to happen to you.

Thirdly, we have Wedges and Fries. They're both vertically-cut deep fried potatoes with seasoning on them. One is a bit larger than the other one, but they're both vertically-cut deep fried potatoes. Aside from that, what's the difference? Yes, we have preferences but we love both anyway right? What about Potato Balls? They're sort of like the other two but round. We still love them right? What about Potato Chips? We love to eat potato chips regardless of the fact that they're processed in a factory unlike the others. We still love them all right?

Are we the same to other people? Do we let the differences between two different people affect the way you treat them? Do we let it get in the way of loving them genuinely? I understand that you might be closer to another and that's normal, but do we let that closeness hinder us from appreciating the other one? Do we love the larger fry more because it has more potato in it? Do we prefer the french fry because it's more popular? Do we despise the potato chips in our lives just because they were brought up differently from us? Do we ignore potato balls because they're different from the fries. I guess what I'm trying to say here is: love all kinds of people. God calls for us to love our neighbours as much as we love ourselves. The neighbours God is referring to is everyone around you. God didn't give a criteria as to who is considered a neighbour. He did that because He meant for us to love everyone without any conditions (that means regardless of differences and preferences).

I hope we take some time after this to reflect on how we've been treating other people. I think that's something not a lot of people do these days. 

I know this post was lengthy and deep but I do hope you read through everything and still enjoyed reading it. I really had fun writing this one. It's definitely one of my favourites! That is all I have for you guys today. Thank you for taking the time to read it. I appreciate it!

Until Next Time!


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