May 15, 2015

Emoji Tag

I know I haven't posted anything in almost two weeks and I actually do have a reason why. I've been taking review classes and it's exhausting. I get home tired and lethargic each day and I just couldn't write anything. I have been planning though this past week. I have a bunch of ideas for posts and I'll be writing them soon.

Today's post will be all about emojis…again. There's this tag going around Youtube this past few weeks and it's called the Emoji Tag. You pick five emojis that best describe you and then you explain why you picked those emojis. After the whole thing, you tag three other people to do the same. So, here are the five emojis that best describe me.

*You can click on the name of the emoji to go to a site with a picture of the emoji.*

You might be wondering why I chose that emoji. Well, it all started with Tyler Oakley, and let's just say I've picked up the habit of occasionally doing that. It's hard to explain when I do it, but if you know me really well then you sort of have an idea when I do it.

Music is a huge part of me. I love to sing. I serve in the Worship Team in the Youth Ministry of my church. I have a thing for musicals. I was going to pick the earphones emoji or the microphone emoji but then it was too specific when the music present in my life is so much more than just listening to music and singing.

I struggled picking an emoji from the food section because I love food so much that I can't just pick one emoji. I can't pick the sushi emoji over the pizza emoji or the coffee emoji over the ice cream emoji. So, I picked this emoji instead. Personally, whenever there are utensils on the table, it means it's eating time, and I love eating. I know I overeat sometimes and that I'm not in my best shape, but that shouldn't stop me from loving myself and food.

As some of you might know, I get anxious quite a lot. No, a doctor has not said that I suffer from anxiety or panic disorder, but I don't need a doctor's confirmation to know if I'm anxious or not.  A lot of people deny that they have anxiety and it's partly because of the common idea that a person with anxiety is too sensitive or maarte. Anxiety isn't a joke. Anxiety is hard and difficult in all forms and stages. Why have an emoji represent it as a part of me then? Because I know that I have anxiety and acknowledging that I do have anxiety is a good first step to overcoming it.
I don't know why but I really like this emoji. I think it's because it's literally me in different situations. That's me whenever I eat good food. That's me whenever I get to rest after a long and tiring day. That's me whenever I give or receive hugs. That's me whenever I'm encouraging others or encouraged by others. That's me after a good conversation with my friends. That's me after getting the lesson in school. That's me whenever things feel right. This emoji is very comforting to look at. I don't know why. It just is.

Those are the five emojis that I think best describe who I am. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed looking for emojis. I know I haven't posted in a really long time but I will start to post consistently again. I have a lot of things planned already so stay tuned! Because it is part of the Emoji Tag to tag other people, I would like to tag my friends Chloe Rodriguez, Jt Valiente and Mayumi Paras to do the tag too. It's a pretty fun tag and it won't use up so much water or compromise your lips so hopefully you guys take part in it. That is all I have for you guys today. I really appreciate the time you spent reading this. I really do.

Until Next Time!


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