March 25, 2016

Color or Colour?

A few weeks ago, my friends and I were talking about how certain words are pronounced or written differently by people depending on where they come from. For example, some people would spell the word "color" with just an "o" while some people would spell it with a "u" (colour). Some people would pronounce "vitamins" as "vie-tah-mins" while other people pronounce it as "vih-tah-mins". I was surprised to know that one of my friends actually pronounces it as "vih-tah-mins" and I was just genuinely amazed that I knew someone who says the word it differently.

I think it's pretty amazing to have differences like that because it really shows how people can still get along in spite of differences. These differences make us unique and are things that we should be proud of. We shouldn't let these differences cause a divide between us.

it wasn't until after the conversation ended that I realized that there are things that are true for me but might not be true for others. It's a reminder that the people that I encounter or interact with each day different from me in many ways (interests, family background, beliefs, preference, etc.). I think it's important that people know and understand this.

If some of the preferences or ideas aren't the same as yours, knowing -- and more importantly, understanding that other people have something that isn't the same as yours is necessary. Doing so takes away any bias or prejudice against anyone. It takes away misconceptions and stereotypes. It allows people to live without fear of being judged or forced into a box. By knowing beforehand that people can and are allowed to have a different idea or understanding of certain matters, we prevent ourselves from reacting rashly and negatively.

It isn't necessarily accepting what the other person prefers or believes in, which I think be what some people fear and misunderstand. It really is just being sensitive to other people's feelings, which is something, everyone, including myself, should try doing.

This post definitely took a turn but it's something that's been on my mind for awhile now. I just wanted to share it here because I think it's important that we're aware about something like this. We all have our own unique stories. Let's be sensitive to those stories and hear each other out.

Until Next Time!
~ Luis ~

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