January 31, 2016


Welcome to 2016! I know I'm already a month late, but better late than never right?

I took a break from blogging in January because classes resumed and there were already a lot of requirements to do. I wanted to focus on getting back to work mode before working on my blog again. But now I am back and ready to blog again.

For my first post of the year, I wanted to set some goals. I wouldn't say that I am the best at reaching my goals, but whenever I do set goals for myself, I'm motivated to do more and give my best.

Without further ado, here are my goals for 2016!


Be More Active
2015 was the year that I started working out. Although I wasn't as consistent with my workout as I hoped I would be, I definitely saw changes not only physically, but also emotionally. I was happier and much more enthusiastic whenever I got to work out. This year, I want to make an effort to work on my health. Hopefully, I get to work at least two or three times a week. I guess this would mean really setting aside time for working out.

Being active physically is great, but, in my opinion, it's also important to work on your spiritual walk with God. 2015 was the year that I encountered God the most. Throughout the year, I experienced His love and mercy, and I can definitely say that I am blessed because of Him. This year, I want to make a conscious, genuine effort to seek God. I recently learned that seeking Him is within the heart and requires an "I want" attitude for it to actually happen. Doing my devotions is one thing. Genuinely doing my devotions is another, and that's what I want to do this year. 

It isn't a secret that Hannah Hart inspires me on so many levels. From cooking, making puns, and just being all around positive, Hannah Hart has taught me a lot about being happy, but there's one thing that she does that really sets her apart. Hannah Hart volunteers and she does with her viewers through her volunteering organization, Have A Hart Day. She's helped a lot of people and organizations by giving time and effort to volunteer along with her viewers. This year, I want to do the same. I want to give time and effort to those who need it, and it is a good way of using your resources. God calls us to be good stewards of our resources. He also wants us to have a heart for other people. I have a five-month break before going to college, so I hope to be able to volunteer during that time.

Try New Things
While it is easier to stick to what is familiar and "safe", there's no harm in going out of our comfort zones and seeing the world outside our safety bubble. Of course, we have to be cautious about the things that we do try because some can be harmful, but what I'm talking about is going on adventures, trying out new hobbies, and seeing what's out there in the world. I've always been hesitant about trying new things partly because of my anxiety, but whenever I do try out new things, regardless of the outcome, I feel great and refreshed by the experience. Just last week, I tried avocado ice cream for the first time, and I loved it! Thank you to my friends who suggested it a long time ago. If I hadn't tried it, I wouldn't have figured out for myself that avocado ice cream is amazing.

This year, I want to go out of my comfort zone and experience new things. I want to learn a new language (French in particular), try to cook harder recipes like Beef Stew and Ratatouille, and go to museums. Hopefully, I find time to do these things during the summer break.

Radiate Love
I first encountered this phrase a little bit over a year ago while scrolling through Tumblr. Ever since, it's been one of my aspirations in life to radiate love. I wouldn't say that I'm the best at being a loving person, but I can see the positive effects of being one. Thinking about it now, I think the first time that I actually encountered this phrase was when I read the Bible. Reading about God's love, how people, who are immersed in God's love, share that same love to other people, and the great changes that that brings is really encouraging. It gives me hope that while the future may seem dark and harsh, being in God's love and radiating that same love can make a difference.

This year, I want to radiate love all the time. It will be a struggle, but it's a struggle that I am willing to go through. The positive effects of radiating love are worth the struggle in my opinion.


I am very excited for 2016 to be quite honest. Lots of exciting things are happening this year and I'm just happy that there's a new year to have new opportunities and experience new things. Here's to a great, God-centered 2016!

Until Next Time!
~ Luis

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