June 28, 2016

When You Have Nothing To Do

There are just some days when we have nothing to do. We've had days when our to-do lists were blank. Some days, our schedule changes and then we're suddenly free for the afternoon. There are also days when we just don't know what to do. It's hard thinking of what you can do so here's a list of things you can do when you have nothing to do:

  1. Take a nap.
  2. Read a book. My current recommendation is It's Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini!
  3. Bake cookies.
  4. Make yourself a cup of coffee!
  5. Write about your day.
  6. If you have pets, play with them!
  7. Write a poem.
  8. Watch Princess and the Frog! It's one of the best Disney films of all time (in my opinion).
  9. Watch a cooking video!
  10. Listen to Carly Rae Jepsen's E•MO•TION.
  11. Trying making a cake-in-a-mug!
  12. Write a letter to someone.
  13. Send that letter through your post office.
  14. Order a burrito from Army Navy because you should treat yourself!
  15. Pray for the first person that comes to mind.
  16. Work out!
  17. If it's your first time working out, go ask a trainer about it first!
  18. Watch Finding Nemo.
  19. Listen to show tunes.
  20. Make a vision board.
  21. Make some pancakes!
  22. If you're not a pancake person, make waffles instead!
  23. Text someone you haven't spoken to in a long time.
  24. Read another book! 1984 by George Orwell is a great book that you could consider!
  25. Think of three things that you can be thankful for today.
  26. Make an Oreo Cheesecake!
  27. Take a photograph of something blue.
  28. Whatever comes to mind first, write about it.
  29. Start a blog!
  30. Make a list of things you can do when you have nothing to do.
There's only thirty on this list but I'm definitely sure that there are more things to do out there! If I think of more, maybe I'll add onto this list or make a second part to this post. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I have a lot of posts planned for the next few weeks but that is all for today!

Until Next Time!
~ Luis ~

Previous Post: Japan: Day 1


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